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This form will allow you to submit a request for help, so that it's as complete as possible, and you can quickly get an answer.
If you don't fill in some fields, you wont be able to move forward in the form.

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Submit a request for help

What type of problem are you having ?


What is the version of your forum ?

How do I know what my forum version is ?

What is your permission level on the forum ?

What are permission levels ?

On what browser(s) does the problem occur ?


Attach a screenshot ( Optional )

How do I take a screenshot ?
Upload an image

Who does the problem concern ?


When did you notice the problem ? ( Optional )

Attention, this is not the description of the problem ( this will be made at the end of the form ), but when you noticed the problem started occurring; an action you last made.


Link of the forum where the problem occurs ( Advisable )


Give a detailed description of your problem

Note :
  • If your problem is a tutorial on this site, please specify which one it is.
  • If your problem is related to a code, script, or template modification, it is necessary to say so and provide the proper information.
  • Be concise and precise : Being as clear as possible allows you to get a faster response.
  • To activate the "Finish" button, the topic title must contain at least 5 characters and the description of your problem must contain at least 10 words.
