Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Hitskin_logo

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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Heero Valentine
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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 4th 2010, 12:34 am

    Most of the time I can figure stuff out myself but this messing about with CSS has me stumped.

    This is what I want to do:

    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS 32108749

    I want to move the Icons on the bottom beneath the location, which is in my case The Netherlands.

    And I'd like to move the Online banner over the users avatar in the right hand corner of the avatar.

    Shocked Anyone up for the challenge?
    Heero Valentine
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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 4th 2010, 3:47 pm

    Bump and an addition to my question.

    At the moment I have a Control panel widget in column one.
    Is it possible to put this widget in people's profile instead of on the homepage?

    Heero Valentine
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    Posts : 10
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    Language : Dutch

    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 5th 2010, 3:57 am

    Bump and I noticed I forgot to mention which version I'm using.

    It's phpbb2 but I'm thinking of switching to phpbb3.
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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by GotYa August 5th 2010, 8:05 am

    Heero Valentine
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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 5th 2010, 3:10 pm

    It seems that I can't rep you but thanks a lot...I'll try it.
    Heero Valentine
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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 5th 2010, 3:26 pm

    I've lost my online banner but at least the other buttons are now in the profile section, thanks for the link and I'll thank the founder too Smile.

    -edit- Heh...I was looking at a member that wasn't online...The online banner is there but not in the spot where I want it too be.

    Anyone got any suggestions for that?

    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS 61253956

    Heero Valentine
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    Posts : 10
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    Language : Dutch

    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 5th 2010, 3:44 pm

    Some added info.

    I'm using a combination of these two skins.


    I'm using the body of the second one and most of the pictures from the first.
    So the online banner is from the first.
    So the code should be in there somewhere but I don't know which one.

    And the link of the banner is
    New Member

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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by GotYa August 5th 2010, 10:14 pm

    No problem Smile sorry i dont know how to get the online up there im not very good at codes lol. Try making a new post maybe someone will see it.
    Heero Valentine
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    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 6th 2010, 5:06 pm

    Bump because I don't want to flood the forums with my topics.
    Heero Valentine
    New Member

    Posts : 10
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    Language : Dutch

    Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS Empty Re: Need help with moving some stuff on my forum with CSS

    Post by Heero Valentine August 12th 2010, 4:58 am

    Lock the topic please...I already know why it's not working...
    Combining the images of a phpBB3 skin with the layout off a phpBB2 skin whilst working with a phpBB2 forum should explain why the banner isn't over the profile picture...It's probably not possible with phpBB2...

    Thanks anyways.