Here is the list of the variables which you can use on this forum : Site description, Homepage message, Topics, Posts, Birthday message subject, Birthday message, Newsletter, Signature, Welcome private message, Messages
- {FORUMURL} : (Forum address)
- {FORUMURLINK} : (Link)
- {FORUMNAME} : The forum of the forums (Forum name)
- {FORUMDESC} : (Site description)
- {FORUMBIRTHDAY} : 16/2/2005, 18:41 (Forum started)
- {FORUMAGE} : 7172 (Board up days)
- {FORUMCOUNTFORUM} : 115 (Number of forums/categories)
- {FORUMCOUNTOPIC} : 50973 (Number of topics)
- {FORUMCOUNTPOST} : 485211 (Posts)
- {FORUMCOUNTUSER} : 110941 (Number of users)
- {FORUMONLINEUSER} : 7008 (Most users ever online)
- {FORUMONLINEDATE} : 10/8/2011, 22:09 (Most users ever online date)
- {FORUMLASTUSER} : kubett6886 (Latest user registered)
- {USERNAME} : Guest (Username)
- {USERLINK} : (View user profile)
- {USERBIRTHDAY} : 0 (Birthday)
- {USERAGE} : 0 (Age)
- {USERREGDATE} : (Joined)
- {USERLASTVISIT} : (Last visit)
- {USERCOUNTPOST} : 0 (Total posts)
- {NOW} : 6/10/2024 (Day date)
- {NOWWITHTIME} : 6/10/2024, 11:16 (Day Date/hour)
- N.B. : In connection with the variables {USER...}: they will each time concern the user who reads them except at the time of sending of an e-mail where the posted values will be those of the shipper.