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KonekoNeko Band

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KonekoNeko Band Empty KonekoNeko Band

Post by konekonekoband January 10th 2012, 11:27 am

Choice of the category: Music

Choice of a title: KonekoNeko Band: Let's make good music together! Smile

Forum address:

Main language: English

Forum description: KonekoNeko Band is a Vocaloid Chorus Group tailored like the popular NicoNico Chorus group of Japan. Just like every Vocaloid Chorus Group in YouTube, we aim to produce beautiful chorus projects like the NicoNico Chorus that we all look up to.

In our forum, we plan and organize chorus projects that will soon be uploaded in our YouTube channel. There is also a section in our forum where we showcase our previously released projects. We also have games and chat area so people can feel at home and get to know our other members.

And to give a chance to our non-singer members to experience the fun of collaborating and singing with other people, we have opened a special section of our forum called the KonekoNeko Band: Collaborations.

Come join us and enjoy KonekoNeko Band's music! =^.^=
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Language : English

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