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Watch this topic?

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Solved Watch this topic?

Post by Shamos January 17th 2012, 7:40 pm

I'm not sure if it was the latest version of Firefox that did it or if something on the CSS layout that changed but last week this started happening to several of my members. When you post on a topic you are automatically set to watch that topic. This means a whole bunch of unneeded emails arriving. I know you can set it to stop watching after you make a post or you can go to your profile and delete the favorites but is there some way to change this setting so the default is not to watch a topic, so we don't have to try to remember to stop watching a topic every time you post? I couldn't find it in the Admin panel and don't know enough about CSS to know where to look. Thanks in advance.
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Solved Re: Watch this topic?

Post by Nera. January 17th 2012, 7:58 pm


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Solved Re: Watch this topic?

Post by Shamos January 17th 2012, 8:18 pm

It did thank you. Sorry that wasn't the title I was looking for when I did my search.
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Solved Re: Watch this topic?

Post by Nera. January 17th 2012, 8:21 pm

No problem, as it has been reported to tehnicians I'll lock this topic. You can report your issue there.

Topic Solved & Locked

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