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Our Father Abraham

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Our Father Abraham Empty Our Father Abraham

Post by DarMonkey February 17th 2012, 5:02 am

Choice of the category: Miscellaneous

Choice of a title: Our Father Abraham

Forum address:

Main language: English

Forum description: Our Father Abraham (OFA) We are a Loving community, a free non profitable forum, which fosters the spiritual growth of all Messianic Believers who have asked Messiah Yeshua into their hearts, each of us must have the desire to grow and change for growth to take place. OFA is also home to many, we offer support and many resources for Torah Study, on this journey of self discovery, you will begin to search inside yourself and interacting with other members helping them move along their path to righteousness freely.

Male Posts : 114
Reputation : 0
Language : English, Tagalog, Spanish

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Our Father Abraham Empty Re: Our Father Abraham

Post by DarMonkey February 21st 2012, 5:29 am

Shalom Aleichem and Welcome to Our Father Abraham

It is hoped that this forum will provide a gentle breathing space for anyone who has ever asked for, but not received an answer. Hopefully, those seeking will find what they are looking for and the faith of many will be strengthened.

Over the coming months, let me encourage everyone to ask all the questions they wanted to, but were afraid to ask. Wisdom always starts with a first step.

May we give thanks to Him in all things, and bless Him for the work he has done, is doing and will do.


Male Posts : 114
Reputation : 0
Language : English, Tagalog, Spanish

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Our Father Abraham Empty Re: Our Father Abraham

Post by DarMonkey February 23rd 2012, 12:25 am

Featured Articles

In addition to our wonderful forums, Our Father Abraham is also proud to offer our members access to our Articles!

Each month we will release a Featured Article in the Portal of the Website. Members may also view the articles that had been featured in the previous months in the "Featured Articles Section"

Who can submit work?

Any member of Our Father Abraham may submit their work for publication consideration! You may have your articles published in our website!

What are the requirements for submitted articles?

Article submitted for publication consideration should be around 1200 words in length, although shorter works are acceptable. In general, all articles submitted should focus on some aspect of Scriptures, Torah Values, Replacement Theology, Israel, Biblical Feasts, Prophecies, etc. Submitted article may be edited for length and grammatical or spelling errors. Please remember that we cannot publish every single submission right away and we reserve the right to decide which article is and is not suitable for publication for the website.

How do I submit something?

Before you submit any work for publication consideration, please try to ensure that you have proofread it first and that you have listed all sources and copyright information if you have quoted external text (this includes bible verses).

Once you have proofread your work, all finished articles and submissions should be then emailed to with the words "Article Contribution" as the Subject Line. It is preferable that you provide your contribution in the form of an email attachment such as a text file, Word file or .doc file (etc).

We look forward to seeing your work in future featured article of Our Father Abraham!


Male Posts : 114
Reputation : 0
Language : English, Tagalog, Spanish

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