2 ranks?
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2 ranks?
Can you make it so you can have 2 ranks? For example I am a admin on the forums and I want that rank and proud member rank. Is it possible to do that?
Last edited by Hero Skillet on June 11th 2012, 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: 2 ranks?
Thanks for the link but do you by chance know how customize the order it pops up?
Like in this picture it says professional first then admin and i need it the other way around.
Re: 2 ranks?
Umm I'm not sure what you mean/how? Like the rank I used is the admin rank and added the professional rank, do you mean make it professional then add on admin?Sir Chivas wrote:Place the links the other way around mate
Re: 2 ranks?
Sorry for not explaining myself. Yes, the image you have in the rank. Replace it with the other one, and place the Admin Rank in the code provided below:
- Code:
.adm:after {
content: url("Rank_Image_Here");
Re: 2 ranks?
Thanks for helping me, really appreciate it allotSir Chivas wrote:Sorry for not explaining myself. Yes, the image you have in the rank. Replace it with the other one, and place the Admin Rank in the code provided below:
- Code:
.adm:after {
content: url("Rank_Image_Here");
Re: 2 ranks?
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