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Added a piece of code a while ago, forgot where it is on forums

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Solved Added a piece of code a while ago, forgot where it is on forums

Post by Maxkabamm June 26th 2012, 6:02 pm

Hi, I'm a complete newbie at forumotion forums so apologies if my question is really simple or in the wrong place Laughing

A few months ago I tried to start a football-based forum game (simulation, etc.). Long story short, I started the forum but had no time to continue it so left it to continue later.

Anyways, I have time now and have another guy helping me. However, I've spent a good hour trying to find out where this newsbox (underneath the menu which says "Test") is so I can change what it says.

I'd appreciate if someone would be able to tell me where they think it may be, I've checked the CSS, etc. and nothing.

Here's my forum: (phpBB2, if needed)

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Solved Re: Added a piece of code a while ago, forgot where it is on forums

Post by SLGray June 26th 2012, 6:46 pm

That is an announcement:
Administration Panel > General > Messages & Emails > Announcements

Added a piece of code a while ago, forgot where it is on forums Slgray10

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Solved Re: Added a piece of code a while ago, forgot where it is on forums

Post by Maxkabamm June 27th 2012, 2:54 am

Thanks! Smile
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Solved Re: Added a piece of code a while ago, forgot where it is on forums

Post by Sanket June 28th 2012, 7:46 am

Topic Solved & Locked

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