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Add sharethis button to forumotion

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Solved Add sharethis button to forumotion

Post by jemykirti July 2nd 2012, 7:44 am

hello, i love to add a sharethis button by

To do so i have to add some code on the head section of my html page and also at the end of my page. Is there anyone can tell how to do that?

I don't know where to paste this code...

Thank you so much.

Add sharethis button to forumotion Screen59

Posts : 37
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Language : english,indonesia,chinese

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Solved Re: Add sharethis button to forumotion

Post by LGforum July 2nd 2012, 12:46 pm

There is already sharethis on forumotion. Look in the topics at the little link that says share.

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Solved Re: Add sharethis button to forumotion

Post by jemykirti July 2nd 2012, 12:50 pm

LGforum wrote:There is already sharethis on forumotion. Look in the topics at the little link that says share.
"share" in forumotion is sucks, it lacks of some popular social network share link and also its hard to find. I want a different type of design, the share button provided by is much better and i would like to use it, so hope there is somebody that can help. Thanks

Posts : 37
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Language : english,indonesia,chinese

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Solved Re: Add sharethis button to forumotion

Post by runawayhorses July 2nd 2012, 3:57 pm

jemykirti wrote:hello, i love to add a sharethis button by

To do so i have to add some code on the head section of my html page and also at the end of my page. Is there anyone can tell how to do that?

I don't know where to paste this code...

Thank you so much.
Go to: AP>>Modules>>HTML pages Management>>

On that page you can create a new HTML page where you can paste the code into. Understand that the ShareThis code will only show on that HTML page and nowhere else.

I have "ShareThis" on my HTML Home page as you can see by clicking my icon link under my profile. It works great. When you mouseover the sharethis icon it displays my forum logo and information that will be shared and a comments box. Pretty cool.

LG is correct about the "AddThis" being coded automatically into every topic. I found a way to utilize that to my advantage. What I did was converted the "AddThis" little text link into an AddThis 'icon' link that is viewable in every topic. I did that with some help using CSS coding. I agree with you that the little text link is hardly noticeable, that is why I made it into a addthis icon that is 38x38 that is clearly noticeable.

ShareThis is good and like I said I have it on my Home page. But the forum I have "AddThis" because it is already coded into the forum in every topic by default and all you have to do it make it more visible by using an icon, and using CSS coding in your stylesheet.

I have found that "AddThis" has just as many popular social networks as "ShareThis" does. But I like the ShareThis pop-out screen better. But I have both ShareThis and AddThis working so I got it all covered. Smile

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Solved Re: Add sharethis button to forumotion

Post by SLGray July 2nd 2012, 7:46 pm

You can also add the code to an announcement or in the homepage message.

Add sharethis button to forumotion Slgray10

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Solved Re: Add sharethis button to forumotion

Post by jemykirti July 3rd 2012, 4:09 pm

Actually i would like to replace the "addthis" share button that already exist in forumotion with "sharethis" button, but i think its not possible, since the sharethis button only appear in html pages.

Thank you for all the help. This topic can be closed.

Posts : 37
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Language : english,indonesia,chinese

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Solved Re: Add sharethis button to forumotion

Post by jemykirti July 3rd 2012, 6:41 pm

yeah, i successfully apply the shareit button by applying the code into announcements. Thank you so much guys...

Posts : 37
Reputation : 1
Language : english,indonesia,chinese

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