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Interview of the founder of a NASCAR Heat forum

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Interview of the founder of a NASCAR Heat forum Empty Interview of the founder of a NASCAR Heat forum

Post by Shadow August 10th 2012, 5:40 pm

Interview of the founder of a NASCAR Heat forum

Hello Friends ! Hello

Next sunday will be held the Nascar Sprint Cup Series in Daytona International Speedway.

On this occasion, we have decided to interview one of our members. The founder of one of the most active forums about the racing game Nascar Heat : Bmxtwins !

Interview of the founder of a NASCAR Heat forum I_logo11

Please introduce your forum.

Bmxtwins : We are the Revolutionary Racing league based around the video game named NASCAR Heat.

Why did you choose this theme?

Because it fit our color scheme well and made our site more cohesive.

According to you, what's the secret of its success?

Our professional nature in running our own gaming events.

After its creation, what are the tools you needed to make your forum go ahead and be popular?

Well, our reputation in the heat community made many members signup.

Which one was the best strategy?

Bring something no one else was doing to a league while remaining fun and competitive.

Which feature do you prefer with your Forumotion's forum?

Probably its easy to use control panel

Which methodes, ideas or tips are you using to maintain the interest and the activity of your members?

Our continued support for an old video game

How many times do you spend per day to take care of your forum ?

Whenever I get an email otherwise once or twice

Do you have other members to help you for the administration?


According to your experience, which advices would you give to other administrators who are beginners?

Be fair to all

Will you assist to the Nascar Sprint Cup Series ? What are your
feelings about it ?

Nascar is a great racing series, who knows maybe i will come check your forum out Smile

A last word to say?

Anyone interested in the NASCAr Heat game can ask further questions at

Thanks Bmxtwins for having took the time to answer our questions and very good continuation with your forum cheers

Interview of the founder of a NASCAR Heat forum Nascar10

See you soon everyone !

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