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Redirecting My Domain To Another Forum

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Solved Redirecting My Domain To Another Forum

Post by Rainbow Zebra August 19th 2012, 7:48 pm

I would like to redirect my domain to another forum please.

When you go to my website, it automatically redirects you to another.

Thank you!
Rainbow Zebra

Female Posts : 46
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: Redirecting My Domain To Another Forum

Post by Jophy August 20th 2012, 5:08 am


What do you mean? A Forumotion forum that will redirect a guest to another Forumotion forum?

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Solved Re: Redirecting My Domain To Another Forum

Post by Spyro Dragon August 20th 2012, 6:12 am

Hide all of your Navagation bar pictures, and Create your own Navagationbar, with the Redierection Link, of what you want it to be..

For Example, Go to


Click everysigle Picture, and make it INVISIBLE by checking the box

THEN go to " Headers and Navagation "

Create 1 or how ever much youd like, Create one, and make it like a CLICK HERE button or what ever you want, And how to do that, is you click the ADD Button when you go to

Adminpanel >>>> Headers n navagation < then click the bottom button where it says Add customized Button....
Menu : Click here

Picture: "Your ClickHerePicture"

Text: Optional

Redirection URL: Your Other Forum

Then Create....Now when peopleGet on your website, they will see this LARGE or how ever you made it, depending on your theme, , they will see this CLICK HERE button on the main page that will rederiect them to your other forum, if you dont want them to go on Your orginiail Forum at all...Delete everything and lock everything

WHen your finished, Thank me, ^.^

Anyways heres what it would look like on My Website.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diffrent Redreicting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If up abouve isnt what you were talking about then this is probably what you were talking about

For Example You'r HomePage is

And you want lets say a fourm such as Join Here to be ?

Well heres a simple and free way of doing so......Ill give you examples with the website that i made, So My index is

okay, say i want My fourm " Crystal Market" To become a diffrent Link rather then , This is simple,

Simply Go to and put that fourms Link in there, this only lasts one year, unless you pay with Real Cash. So my Crystal market link is

Well when asks you what site you want to rename simply put that link in there and Say you want it and if nots not allready taken, then tada, when people type they go to that part of your Forum. You can have multipul links to your site, OR if you want to do this the simple way, go to

ADMINPAN>>Display>>Headers and navagation, Create new Button..

Say i wanted the crystal market , insted of haveing a complex Forum link like

You can put it as or something like that

This is how you would put it as

Menu : CrystalMarket

Picture: optional, if you want people to see it on the navbar

Text: none


Now when ppl put it Rediercts them to

Make sense?
Spyro Dragon

Male Posts : 32
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: Redirecting My Domain To Another Forum

Post by Rainbow Zebra August 20th 2012, 11:10 pm

Solved, thank you.

I actually decided to just put it under construction, and if that doesn't work, I'll probably use that method. Thanks!
Rainbow Zebra

Female Posts : 46
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: Redirecting My Domain To Another Forum

Post by SLGray August 21st 2012, 2:37 am

Topic Solved & Locked

Redirecting My Domain To Another Forum Slgray10

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