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Last contest of the year : Create a signature !

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Last contest of the year : Create a signature ! Empty Last contest of the year : Create a signature !

Post by Shadow November 23rd 2012, 3:41 pm

Last contest of the year : Create a signature !

Hi friends ! Hello

Do you remember this poll which many of you have participated in ?

Today we offer a new way to earn credits while creating a buzz around your favorite forum creation service Very Happy
This graphic contest is indeed an opportunity to encourage your members to vote, but also an opportunity to show your talent and graphic skills !!

Are you good in design and love Forumotion ? Go and create a graphic signature to support Forumotion and have it say "Best hosted service of the year".

The principle is really simple : You just have to create a banner or a signature that promotes Forumotion and encourage people to take part in the poll and vote for Forumotion.
Then, submit your creations here and wait for the decision of the staff...

BONUS : If you provide a link to your signature directly from your forum, you'll win 2 points automatically which will be added to your final score. You'll multiply your chances that way!

The contest begins on november 23 and will end on December 20.

The winners win :

1st place : 4 000 credits
2nd place : 3 000 credits
3rd place : 2 500 credits
4th place : 2 000 credits
5th place : 1 500 credits

Good luck everyone, see you later Mr. Green

A ForuMotion Important Announcement

Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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