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Results of the last contest of the year !

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Results of the last contest of the year !  Empty Results of the last contest of the year !

Post by Shadow December 28th 2012, 5:44 pm

Last contest of the year : Create a signature !

Hi friends ! Hello

Thank you very much for your great participation to the contest !
All the entries were awesome and that was really hard to decide.

But finally, the 5 winners are designated cheers

1st prize (4000 credits) : 6. DustyBones

Results of the last contest of the year !  Dustyb10

2nd prize (3000 credits) : 18. Justin.
Results of the last contest of the year !  Justin12

3rd prize (2500 credits) : 20. Sir Chivas™️
Results of the last contest of the year !  Sir_ch10

4th prize (2000 credits) : 13. Emilio
Results of the last contest of the year !  Emilio10

5th prize (1500 credits) : 25. Proxy*64*
Results of the last contest of the year !  Proxy610

Congratulations to our winners. You have until January 11 to send your forum's link by PM to Leeloo to have your credits.

Thank you for having placed Forumotion at the 2nd place of this poll, your mobilization was truly appreciated I love you

Happy New Year everyone rendeer bye

A ForuMotion Important Announcement

Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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