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How to create a custom HTML page to send newsletter/email?

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Solved How to create a custom HTML page to send newsletter/email?

Post by Simpleman February 4th 2013, 9:33 pm

Is it possible to create a custom HTML page that can:
1) only be accessed by members of a certain group.
2) can send email/newsletter to a specific group

The newsletter content doesn't need to be editable.

The problem I'm trying to solve is to enable a group to go to a page within the forum and simply press a button that will:
1) confirm the email/newsletter is to be sent
2) on confirmation send a predefined email/newsletter to a predefined group.

It has to be emails rather than PM so users can see the message on a mobile device and not be reliant on people being logged onto the forum.

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Solved Re: How to create a custom HTML page to send newsletter/email?

Post by Simpleman February 4th 2013, 10:48 pm

Just what I feared Sad

Thanks for the quick response Smile
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