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My site is running extremely slow.

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Solved My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Digi February 18th 2013, 8:52 pm

I messed around with disabling HTML, Javascripts, toolbar, and even disabled widgets and put the site in construction to see if it was the sheer amount of users accessing the site was causing the site to bog down. My guess is that perhaps its a server issue. I may be wrong, but I would greatly appreciate some technical assistance for this.

EDIT: For more inquiry, I have seen in Inspect Element that there are about 13 console errors. 1 of them being a error (which is always showing no matter what we do,) 1 or 2 of them being broken deviant art links, and one major one being this link:

I honestly have no idea what that is. Perhaps this is slowing the forum down. I'm not entirely sure.

We also found this:

It seems to be a callback function that closes itself and reopens.

Female Posts : 29
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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Ape February 18th 2013, 9:28 pm

I can confirm that i have also been on your site and yes this is running way to slow.
Took like 45 sec's to show anything at all


i have just seen that you have something running from your site that has this address on
This is why your site is running to slow it's not finding the files it needs so it will not load the page as fast
My site is running extremely slow. Untitl10

Remove the item from your forum and this will fix your problem

Male Posts : 19523
Reputation : 2018
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Digi February 18th 2013, 9:36 pm

APE wrote:I can confirm that i have also been on your site and yes this is running way to slow.
Took like 45 sec's to show anything at all


i have just seen that you have something running from your site that has this address on
This is why your site is running to slow it's not finding the files it needs so it will not load the page as fast
My site is running extremely slow. Untitl10

Remove the item from your forum and this will fix your problem

How would I remove the function? I don't even know exactly what it is.

Female Posts : 29
Reputation : 2
Language : English

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Ape February 18th 2013, 9:41 pm

is there any codes you have put on your site in the last 5 days or so ?
If There is remove them one by one and save them on notepad or some place then try your site again

My site is running extremely slow. Left1212My site is running extremely slow. Center11My site is running extremely slow. Right112
My site is running extremely slow. Ape_b110
My site is running extremely slow. Ape1010

Male Posts : 19523
Reputation : 2018
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Digi February 18th 2013, 9:44 pm

APE wrote:is there any codes you have put on your site in the last 5 days or so ?
If There is remove them one by one and save them on notepad or some place then try your site again

The only major thing I have done to the site is add the toolbar. I have tried to disable Javascripts, removed CSS stylesheets, disabled widgets, am currently disabling logins to see if it is a traffic issue. None of the above is working since this is most likely not a code problem. This is more likely to be either a server issue or function errors (unwanted functions that is.) I am looking at this article at the moment:

It would be much obliged if someone can clean up my template to try to see if that works. I will post it here in a code form or pastebin if you need it. That is my other suspicion to this issue.

Female Posts : 29
Reputation : 2
Language : English

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by bsk February 18th 2013, 9:48 pm

Hi, sorry if it's an oftopic, first time here, but we're having the same problem on our forum, or at least simillar, so not sure should I open a new one or just continue here.

For the past 2 days it's loading extremly low with short periods of being normal, no matter what browser it is, though we figured it affected mostly people from one country, while in the neighbour states it's working properly.
The one thing we changed in those 2 days was forum logo, but now we removed it completely and it's still loading really slow.

p.s. I don't know if this is much of help, but when the problem occurs, message on the bottom of the browser is "sending request in progress" or something like that, and then "waiting"

Thanks in advance
New Member

Posts : 8
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Language : english

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Digi February 18th 2013, 9:50 pm

bsk wrote:Hi, sorry if it's an oftopic, first time here, but we're having the same problem on our forum, or at least simillar, so not sure should I open a new one or just continue here.

For the past 2 days it's loading extremly low with short periods of being normal, no matter what browser it is, though we figured it affected mostly people from one country, while in the neighbour states it's working properly.
The one thing we changed in those 2 days was forum logo, but now we removed it completely and it's still loading really slow.

p.s. I don't know if this is much of help, but when the problem occurs, message on the bottom of the browser is "sending request in progress" or something like that, and then "waiting"

Thanks in advance

On this note, WDA has frequent slow-load moments time-to-time. This is not the first time this has happened. So I must assume this to be a server issue.

Female Posts : 29
Reputation : 2
Language : English

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Ape February 18th 2013, 9:51 pm

I have just been on this link
and it is a link that is not working at all it just shows a time out page i think it could be a part of your skin that is finding it hard to load the page.

what you need to do is go in your CSS and maybe any other plave that has codes in and click on your browser tool bar and click Edit and loook the the tool find
put this on there and see if it finds the code for you

bsk wrote:Hi, sorry if it's an oftopic, first time here, but we're
having the same problem on our forum, or at least simillar, so not sure
should I open a new one or just continue here.

the past 2 days it's loading extremly low with short periods of being
normal, no matter what browser it is, though we figured it affected
mostly people from one country, while in the neighbour states it's
working properly.
The one thing we changed in those 2 days was forum logo, but now we removed it completely and it's still loading really slow.

I don't know if this is much of help, but when the problem occurs,
message on the bottom of the browser is "sending request in progress" or
something like that, and then "waiting"

Thanks in advance
i have looked at your forum and do not see any problems with it it runs really fast to me
page shows up in less then 1 second

Male Posts : 19523
Reputation : 2018
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by bsk February 18th 2013, 9:59 pm

Yeah, it's fine for few topic openings or for few minutes, then it's back to slow motion. We'll wait and see for some more time, maybe it stops on it's own.

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Digi February 18th 2013, 10:57 pm

We have restored our skin to what we had it a few weeks ago, deleted all of the changes I have made to the templates, and am having to start from scratch. This issue is in progress. I have yet to know exactly what the issue was, though I will revive this topic again if this issue happens again.

Female Posts : 29
Reputation : 2
Language : English

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Derri February 18th 2013, 11:35 pm

Digi wrote:We have restored our skin to what we had it a few weeks ago, deleted all of the changes I have made to the templates, and am having to start from scratch. This issue is in progress. I have yet to know exactly what the issue was, though I will revive this topic again if this issue happens again.

Has the issue been fixed by restoring?

A forum I was on around a year ago had this almost exact same issue with the site running slow. The Admin had installed a bunch of addons and codes etc. He too solved this issue by restoring the forum to a time before the changes were implemented. It seemed to work so he chalked it up to a coding error or something he added on.


Male Posts : 8713
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Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

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Solved Re: My site is running extremely slow.

Post by Digi February 19th 2013, 12:22 am

Rideem3 wrote:It seems like the problem is fixed as your forum can be accessed just fine now.

Moved to Connection Problems

Also, I did some research and found out that nearreality site was linked to this script:

If that's what you had, remove it.

Thank you! Solved.

Female Posts : 29
Reputation : 2
Language : English

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