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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by manhanhem May 17th 2013, 1:07 pm

Forum address:
Creation email: Details removed

Posts : 27
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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty Re: I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by Stephen- May 17th 2013, 1:08 pm


You should remove you're creation email, because its a confidential thing once it got hack it can take all over your forum in a sec. Wink

Last edited by Raizen on May 17th 2013, 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty Re: I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by manhanhem May 17th 2013, 1:10 pm

but im lot my pass forum please help me Crying or Very sad

Posts : 27
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty Re: I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by Stephen- May 17th 2013, 1:12 pm


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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty Re: I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by manhanhem May 17th 2013, 1:21 pm

I have the pass backup forum but im forgot the pass admin in the forum

Posts : 27
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Language : English

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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty Re: I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by Stephen- May 17th 2013, 1:35 pm

Yes, just follow the instruction on that tutorial. Wink

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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty Re: I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by Jophy May 17th 2013, 3:25 pm

Hello, Please avoid posting your creation e-mail on public as it may get stolen. Thank you.

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I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools Empty Re: I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the founder tools

Post by Jophy May 22nd 2013, 8:53 am

Since this was handled on PM, this topic will be moved to archives now.

Male Posts : 17922
Reputation : 836
Language : English
Location : Somewhere

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