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How to add more than one group moderator?

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Solved How to add more than one group moderator?

Post by jobro13 June 2nd 2013, 11:50 am

Hello. I'm wondering if this is possible.

I have a certain group of members which can allow users to join another group. Let's take for example a group called "Moderators". Is it possible that the members of this group can allow people to join for example a group called "Small Moderators"?

In other words: If you are in the "Moderators" group, you can take a random user and put him in the "small moderators" group. This is possible with ONE moderator of that group, but I'd like more than one moderator for such group. (Is that even possible?)

In the case you have to know that, I'm using phpbb3.

Or, is this possible using another thing than a group? (That is, must I make some kind of permission structure?).

Thanks for your help.

Last edited by Sanket on June 2nd 2013, 12:37 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Complete)
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Solved Re: How to add more than one group moderator?

Post by Derri June 2nd 2013, 12:07 pm

You can't have more than one group moderator, sorry. Its not possible what you're asking.

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Solved Re: How to add more than one group moderator?

Post by jobro13 June 2nd 2013, 12:08 pm

Thanks for your fast answer! It's a pity, but now I know that it's not possible. Thanks!
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Solved Re: How to add more than one group moderator?

Post by Sanket June 2nd 2013, 12:36 pm

Topic Solved & Locked

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