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Ads popping up everywhere on Firefox

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Solved Ads popping up everywhere on Firefox

Post by Mr. Eddster July 19th 2013, 4:25 am

I have no clue if this is forumotions doing but if it is it needs to get fixed like RIGHT now
ads are just popping up out of nowhere on my site. Just at random.
words like "job" and "bankrupt" are being hyperlinked to ads.
this is awful and it needs to stop. im on firefox.

Last edited by Mr. Eddster on July 19th 2013, 5:02 am; edited 1 time in total
Mr. Eddster
Mr. Eddster

Male Posts : 382
Reputation : 7
Language : English

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Solved Re: Ads popping up everywhere on Firefox

Post by SLGray July 19th 2013, 4:38 am

That is the new ad system that was installed about a month or more ago.

Ads popping up everywhere on Firefox Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51526
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Solved Re: Ads popping up everywhere on Firefox

Post by Mr. Eddster July 19th 2013, 5:01 am

SLGray wrote:That is the new ad system that was installed about a month or more ago.

 ok. first time this has ever happened so i was worried.

i fixed the main problem though, somehow 3 adds on were enabled that i never downloaded on firefox... the ads arent popping up all over the place now

this can be marked as solved
Mr. Eddster
Mr. Eddster

Male Posts : 382
Reputation : 7
Language : English

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Solved Re: Ads popping up everywhere on Firefox

Post by SLGray July 19th 2013, 5:21 am

Topic Solved & Locked

Ads popping up everywhere on Firefox Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51526
Reputation : 3523
Language : English
Location : United States

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