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Needing help with affiliations!

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Solved Needing help with affiliations!

Post by HowlingStar August 19th 2013, 4:20 am

Hey! I've just learned the basics with affiliations (using my own forum as a demo - creating the banner and testing the location; e.g portal, home page) and I have seen on other forums that it is displayed at the bottom of the forum. E.g; Needing help with affiliations! Untitl10 (Please note; That is *not* my forum).

My affiliations are currently in the portal, but, I'd like to have them displayed under the Chatbox on the "Home" page. Is that possible? Smile

My forum is a phpBB3. 
And here's the link if needed:

Last edited by HowlingStar on August 19th 2013, 5:09 am; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 28
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Language : English

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Solved Re: Needing help with affiliations!

Post by Sir Chivas™ August 19th 2013, 4:32 am

Well the only way you can place them there would be using the homepage message; which will be in the following place:

ACP >> Display >> Generalities >> Homepage content:

If you need help setting them up as the way shown in the screenshot, you may ask and i'll be more glad to help out.
Sir Chivas™
Sir Chivas™

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Solved Re: Needing help with affiliations!

Post by HowlingStar August 19th 2013, 4:39 am

I already have content in the homepage message and I've set it so that it moves across the screen. I don't particularly want to remove it. xDD

I thought the homepage message was only centered at the top of the page, 
Is there a code or something which I can use which would make it appear below the chatbox? Also, how would I insert the affiliations section there? Smile

Male Posts : 28
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Language : English

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Solved Re: Needing help with affiliations!

Post by Sir Chivas™ August 19th 2013, 4:42 am

Well, there is, but since your version is phpBB3 it won't be possible. Only versions: phpBB2 and punBB are able to do those kinds of things..
Sir Chivas™
Sir Chivas™

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Solved Re: Needing help with affiliations!

Post by HowlingStar August 19th 2013, 5:06 am

Oohh. I see. Alright, thank you for your help!
This is solved now. Smile

Male Posts : 28
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: Needing help with affiliations!

Post by Sir Chivas™ August 19th 2013, 5:16 am

No problem,
Problem solved.
Needing help with affiliations! Puce_flecheTopic locked & archived.
Sir Chivas™
Sir Chivas™

Male Posts : 6980
Reputation : 457
Language : EN, FR, ES
Location : || CSS || HTML || Graphics Designs || Support ||

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