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Paid Forumotion for domain, been 48hrs, nothing registered yet.

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Paid Forumotion for domain, been 48hrs, nothing registered yet. Empty Paid Forumotion for domain, been 48hrs, nothing registered yet.

Post by Rups October 19th 2013, 10:49 am


I've used credits to buy a domain name for my forum through forumotion. I received a confirmation email yesterday at 2pm which states:

"Your reservation for the domain name has been successfully done. Your forum will be available at these two addresses : and"

When I put my address in, it states that the domain cannot be found and it is well over 24hrs now. Also, I forced redirected the forumotion domain to the one I have purchased, so now I can't even access the rupertowen.forumotion page as it redirects to the .net one and that can't be found. So I can't access any of my forum in anyway. Can someone please help with this ASAP as I am using my forum to conduct collaborative projects and have also other people needing to be able to access it also.

It has now been at least 48hrs since I registered the domain name and still nothing and no help here either.

Kind regards
New Member

Male Posts : 6
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Paid Forumotion for domain, been 48hrs, nothing registered yet. Empty Re: Paid Forumotion for domain, been 48hrs, nothing registered yet.

Post by Sanket October 27th 2013, 5:53 am

It seems to be working now, solved?

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Paid Forumotion for domain, been 48hrs, nothing registered yet. Empty Re: Paid Forumotion for domain, been 48hrs, nothing registered yet.

Post by Shadow October 28th 2013, 11:41 am

Rups wrote:Hello,

I've used credits to buy a domain name for my forum through forumotion. I received a confirmation email yesterday at 2pm which states:

"Your reservation for the domain name has been successfully done. Your forum will be available at these two addresses : and"

When I put my address in, it states that the domain cannot be found and it is well over 24hrs now. Also, I forced redirected the forumotion domain to the one I have purchased, so now I can't even access the rupertowen.forumotion page as it redirects to the .net one and that can't be found. So I can't access any of my forum in anyway. Can someone please help with this ASAP as I am using my forum to conduct collaborative projects and have also other people needing to be able to access it also.

It has now been at least 48hrs since I registered the domain name and still nothing and no help here either.

Kind regards

We have solved the problem. Smile 
Now it should work properly,


Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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