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Spambot Attacks in Inactive Forum

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Solved Spambot Attacks in Inactive Forum

Post by Superjustinbros February 25th 2014, 6:12 am

Recently my only-active forum,, has been massively attacked by several spambots flooding the forum with spam.

I was able to delete off all the offending posts and ban every person that made them, but I was wondering if any Forumotion admins would be able to look into this forum and perform some action(s) to ensure no future attacks occur.
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Solved Re: Spambot Attacks in Inactive Forum

Post by SLGray February 25th 2014, 7:00 am

Sorry, but there is no way to stop spambots/spammers. You will need to keep an eye out for them and have enough active staff members to help.

Why does the topic title say inactive, but in your post you say active?

Spambot Attacks in Inactive Forum Slgray10

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Solved Re: Spambot Attacks in Inactive Forum

Post by Superjustinbros February 25th 2014, 7:22 am

I meant inactive as in there have not been any posts made by a member of the forum for quite some time.
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Solved Re: Spambot Attacks in Inactive Forum

Post by Kiyomizu February 25th 2014, 7:40 am


Have you enabled in your admin panel> Security> Deny entries with nicknames most frequently used by spammers: yes and admin panel> Users & Groups> User Options> Confirmation code: yes ?

thank you

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Solved Re: Spambot Attacks in Inactive Forum

Post by Derri February 25th 2014, 7:59 am

I would advise against activating that option above as peoples usernames often get blocked.

To be honest if you do get spam attacked you'd be best to delete them and also IP ban them.

You could also do this: ACP --> General --> Security --> IP address accounts creation limit, for each 24 hours --> put that to one.

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