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2 posters

    Add a word counter to the editor

    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Tutorial Add a word counter to the editor

    Post by Ange Tuteur March 3rd 2014, 12:03 pm

    Add a word counter to the editor

    1. Definition:

    With this tutorial for all forum versions, you will learn how to set a minimum number of words required before the message can be sent. You can also set the number of letters each word must have.

    For example:

    editor limit - Add a word counter to the editor Captu357

    editor limit - Add a word counter to the editor Captu358

    2. Adding the Javascript:

    Go to

    Administration Panel > Modules > HTML & Javascript > Javascript codes management

    Add Create a new Javascript.

    Title: Word counter
    Placement: In all the pages
    JavaScript code:
     Â  $(function(){$(function(){

     Â      var MinNumberOfWords = 5;
     Â      var LetterCountPerWord = 3;
     Â      var ico_compl = "";
     Â      var ico_incompl = "";  
     Â    if($("#text_editor_textarea").length != 0){
     Â         $("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", true).css("opacity", "0.5");      
     Â         $(".sceditor-container").after("<br/><div id='div_minchars' align='center'><div id='div_minchars_header'> Minimum words to send a message: " + MinNumberOfWords + " (at least " + LetterCountPerWord + " letters)</div><div id='div_minchars_info'></div></div>");
     Â         var sceditor = $("#text_editor_textarea").sceditor("instance");                  
     Â         var str = sceditor.val();
     Â         var regex = new RegExp('\\w{' + LetterCountPerWord + ',}\\b', 'g');
     Â         var str_arr = str.match(regex);
     Â         var str_len = str_arr == null ? 0 : str_arr.length;
     Â         if(str_len >= MinNumberOfWords) $("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", false).css("opacity", "1");
     Â         sceditor.keyUp(function(e) {
     Â            str = sceditor.val();
     Â            str_arr = str.match(regex);
     Â            str_len = str_arr == null ? 0 : str_arr.length;
     Â            if(str_len >= MinNumberOfWords) {
     Â               $("#div_minchars_info").html("You've written <span style='color:green'>" + str_len + "</span> word(s). You can now send the message <img src='" + ico_compl  + "' />");  
     Â           $("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", false).css("opacity", "1");
     Â            }else{
     Â               $("#div_minchars_info").html("You've written <span style='color:red'>" + str_len + "</span> word(s). You need " + (MinNumberOfWords - str_len) + " word(s) to send this message <img src='" + ico_incompl  + "' />");
     Â               $("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", true).css("opacity", "0.5");
     Â            }
     Â         });
     Â      }
     Â   })});

    3. In the code, we can modify the variables:

    var MinNumberOfWords:  Is the minimum number of words necessary to post a message. Default is 5.

    var LetterCountPerWord: Is the minimum word length. Default is 3.

    var ico_compl: is the image that appears when you can send the message (the message exceeded the minimum number of words), you can change it by setting the link of the image you want.

    var ico_incompl: is the image that appears when you can not send the message (the message has not yet reached the minimum number of words), you can change it by setting the link of the image you want.


    Female Posts : 15311
    Reputation : 1705
    Language : English,Greek
    Location : Greece

    Tutorial Re: Add a word counter to the editor

    Post by skouliki February 13th 2020, 8:08 am

    This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

    updated 13.02.2020 by skouliki

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 9:27 pm