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many users diarys/blogs in one forum-comments on each day?how?

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many users diarys/blogs in one forum-comments on each day?how? Empty many users diarys/blogs in one forum-comments on each day?how?

Post by bikrchic14 September 20th 2014, 9:31 pm

So one of my forums is named journals on my web sight, with the idea that my users could each journal/blog daily and other users could comment on that day. The idea is they each start there own thread with a title of jane doe's journal. from there they daily journal.

But, i would like it set up how blogs are, where if u didnt want to read, scroll through others comments on your friends blogs u dont have too. you could choose to just see the daily blogs without the comments and hit a comment link if you wanted to read others comments. 

Is there a way to do this (comments section/link) with a regular forum/threads style to use like blogs?

 I know you have a blog option, but its a community blog, without the option of each user creating there own blog.

Last edited by bikrchic14 on September 20th 2014, 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : trying to explain clearer)
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