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Finding a forum

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In progress Finding a forum

Post by C Man101 October 13th 2014, 4:44 pm

Hello, Im kinda new here Hello 

I had made a forum 2-3 years back and after having my fb removed where I had my link to my forum. I was wondering how I can get back to it. Ive tried poking around on the page to find a support button or some way to log into the server and see if it would direct me to all the forums I own or are a member of
C Man101
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In progress Re: Finding a forum

Post by SLGray October 13th 2014, 8:50 pm

If you can remember the email address you used to create the forum, you can send it to me by private message.  I can search by the email address.

Finding a forum Slgray10

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