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servimg missing pictures

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servimg missing pictures Empty servimg missing pictures

Post by bertv November 16th 2014, 6:18 pm

Since yesterday, more pictures are disappearing from the servimg site.
My forum is and everything went bad as buttons and background went missing.

I have 55 pages of pictures, and when I browse servimg, I see a lot of missing images on almost every pages.
It's impossible to go to the 106,000 posts on the forum to find which attached pictures are missing.

Here is an example of what I see on servimg. All the blank squares are missing pics.

servimg missing pictures Captur11

Can a backup be restored? 

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servimg missing pictures Empty Re: servimg missing pictures

Post by SLGray November 16th 2014, 6:35 pm

servimg missing pictures Slgray10

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