Was my site penalized by Google? |
Maybe you noticed a loss of visits or a decline in Google ranking? This tutorial will help you to verify if you forum undergoes a Google penalty. Google penaltyFirst, you have to identify the origine of Google penalties:
Impact of a Google penalty1.Loss of visibility on Google Your forum has less visits than before from Google, or your forum doesn't appear by using your keywords. 2. Decline in traffic In Google Analytics you see a decline in your trafic: In Google Analytics>> Acquisition>> All traffic >> Google/Organic How to know if you forum undergoes a penalty?Please find a good article: Panda and Pingoo penalties Here you can find 4 step to verify if you forum undergoes some penalties: 1. Verify the internet positioning of your forum via the main keywords and domain name. For example, my forum is called "Cats passion" and appears as first on google via the keyword "cats passion". Now, my forum is not yet first and appears on the 3rd or 4th Google page. In Google WebMaster Tool>> Search Traffic>> Search Queries: compare the average ranking before different periods of time. 2. Look at Google Analytics statistics. Observe visits from Google and identify the date of visits fall. 3. Compare with Google updates in order to see if the fall corresponds to Google updates. 4. Finally, test on betterhostreview.com for more information: This last step is not 100% reliable. It gives a track if the forum is penalized or not. Once you have all those information, thanks for reporting them into this topic. Then, our webmaster will be able to help you. Thanks Forumotion Team |
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Last edited by Buttercup on December 9th 2014, 12:26 pm; edited 3 times in total