How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
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How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
First topic message reminder :
Hello all,
How can I make a customized member of the month widget? My forum version is punbb.
Hello all,
How can I make a customized member of the month widget? My forum version is punbb.
Last edited by Black-Shadow on December 26th 2014, 11:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
i should have this for you here soon .. waiting for ange to help with the last part of the script
while im waiting could you do ma a favor and make me an account for your site and pm me the info so i can get the info from the profiles on your site to make it work
while im waiting could you do ma a favor and make me an account for your site and pm me the info so i can get the info from the profiles on your site to make it work
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Merry Christmas Twisted_mods
I think this code needs a very good knowledge of JavaScript to retrieve those data and also I don't know if it is possible on our forums. Maybe Ange or JScript can help us to make it.
I think this code needs a very good knowledge of JavaScript to retrieve those data and also I don't know if it is possible on our forums. Maybe Ange or JScript can help us to make it.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
i have already finished it i just need a account on your forum to get the values for the info
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Hello @_Twisted_Mods_,
I will PM you a test account details in the next few minutes.
I will PM you a test account details in the next few minutes.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
this is missing a few thing so it dont work because you said you wanted to wait on ange .. because i dont have enough skill..... lol im jk its all there
widget code
widget code
- Code:
$(function() {
$(function() {
var user = "2";
var thetitle = "Member Of The Month";
var name = "#cp-main > h1:nth-child(1)";
var d = new Date(),
n = d.getMonth(),
y = d.getFullYear();
var ddate = n+" "+y;
var joindate = "#field_id-4";
var bday = "#field_id-12";
var postt = "#field_id-13";
var points = "#field_id-6";
var avatar = "#profile-advanced-right .inner div img";
var msg1 = 'Congratulations to ';
var msg2 = ' our member of ';
var msg3 = '. Joined the first time in this forum ';
var msg4 = '. He/She celebrates a birthday on ';
var msg5 = '. He/She has a total of ';
var msg6 = ' posts. He/She received ';
var msg7 = ' reputation points. Congratulations to this months member.';
var j = jQuery, info1;
j('#blah1').load('/u'+user+' #main-content', function() {
info1 = j(this).find(name).text(); //name
info7= info1.replace('All about ','');
info2 = j(this).find(joindate+' .field_uneditable').text(); //join date
info3 = j(this).find(bday+' .field_uneditable').text(); //birthday
info4 = j(this).find(postt+' .field_uneditable').text(); //points
info5 = j(this).find(points+' .field_uneditable').text(); //post
info6 = j(this).find(avatar).attr('src'); //avatar
$('#nameh strong').text(info7);
$('.mimp a').attr('href', '/privmsg?mode=post&u='+user);
$('.mipost a').attr('href', '/spa/'+info7);
$('#thedate').text(n+ " - " +y);
$('#tavatar').attr('src', info6);
$('#pprofile').append(' <a href="/u'+user+'">View Profile</a> ');
$('#bpart').text(msg1 + info7 + msg2 + n+ " - " +y+ msg3 +info2 + msg4 + info3 + msg5+ info5 + msg6 + info4 + msg7);
- Code:
$(function() {
$(function() {
var user = "1";
var thetitle = "Member Of The Month";
var name = ".subtitle";
var d = new Date(),
n = d.getMonth(),
y = d.getFullYear();
var ddate = n+" "+y;
var joindate = "#field_id-4";
var bday = "#field_id-12";
var postt = "#field_id-13";
var points = "#field_id-6";
var avatar = "#profile-advanced-right .inner div img";
var msg1 = 'Congratulations to ';
var msg2 = ' our member of ';
var msg3 = '. Joined the first time in this forum ';
var msg4 = '. He/She celebrates a birthday on ';
var msg5 = '. He/She has a total of ';
var msg6 = ' posts. He/She received ';
var msg7 = ' reputation points. Congratulations to this months member.';
var j = jQuery, info1;
j('#blah1').load('/u'+user+' #main-content', function() {
info1 = j(this).find(name).text(); //name
info7= info1.replace('Πληροφορίες για τον/την ','');
info2 = j(this).find(joindate+' .field_uneditable').text(); //join date
info3 = j(this).find(bday+' .field_uneditable').text(); //birthday
info4 = j(this).find(postt+' .field_uneditable').text(); //points
info5 = j(this).find(points+' .field_uneditable').text(); //post
info6 = j(this).find(avatar).attr('src'); //avatar
$('#nameh strong').text(info7);
$('.mimp a').attr('href', '/privmsg?mode=post&u='+user);
$('.mipost a').attr('href', '/spa/'+info7);
$('#thedate').text(n+ " - " +y);
$('#tavatar').attr('src', info6);
$('#pprofile').append(' <a href="/u'+user+'">View Profile</a> ');
$('#bpart').text(msg1 + info7 + msg2 + n+ " - " +y+ msg3 +info2 + msg4 + info3 + msg5+ info5 + msg6 + info4 + msg7);
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Are these two scripts the same? The widget code I think needs the tags <script></script>
Are these two scripts the same? The widget code I think needs the tags <script></script>
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
no create a new widget place the widget code in it
create a new javascript and place the javascript in it
create a new javascript and place the javascript in it
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
The widget code needs the tags script because it is displaying the javascript code.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
sorry copyed the wrong code for widget
widget code
widget code
- Code:
.mipost, #nameh{display:inline-block;padding-left:10px}
hr {
display: block;
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
border-style: inset;
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px 5px;
#thedate {
padding: 2px 5px;
<td style="width: 20%;" rowspan="2">
<img id="tavatar" src="" />
<div id="nameh">
<strong>name</strong> <span class="mimp"><a href="/privmsg?mode=post&u=46"><img src="" /></a></span><span class="mipost"><a href="spa/test"><img src="" /></a></span><br />
<hr />
<div id="motm">
<div id="thedate">
8 - 2014
<td colspan="2">
<div id="bpart">
</div><br />
<div id="pprofile">
<div id="blah1" style="display:none;">
- Code:
$(function() {
$(function() {
var user = "1";
var thetitle = "Member Of The Month";
var name = ".subtitle";
var d = new Date(),
n = d.getMonth(),
y = d.getFullYear();
var ddate = n+" "+y;
var joindate = "#field_id-4";
var bday = "#field_id-12";
var postt = "#field_id-13";
var points = "#field_id-6";
var avatar = "#profile-advanced-right .inner div img";
var msg1 = 'Congratulations to ';
var msg2 = ' our member of ';
var msg3 = '. Joined the first time in this forum ';
var msg4 = '. He/She celebrates a birthday on ';
var msg5 = '. He/She has a total of ';
var msg6 = ' posts. He/She received ';
var msg7 = ' reputation points. Congratulations to this months member.';
var j = jQuery, info1;
j('#blah1').load('/u'+user+' #main-content', function() {
info1 = j(this).find(name).text(); //name
info7= info1.replace('Πληροφορίες για τον/την ','');
info2 = j(this).find(joindate+' .field_uneditable').text(); //join date
info3 = j(this).find(bday+' .field_uneditable').text(); //birthday
info4 = j(this).find(postt+' .field_uneditable').text(); //points
info5 = j(this).find(points+' .field_uneditable').text(); //post
info6 = j(this).find(avatar).attr('src'); //avatar
$('#nameh strong').text(info7);
$('.mimp a').attr('href', '/privmsg?mode=post&u='+user);
$('.mipost a').attr('href', '/spa/'+info7);
$('#thedate').text(n+ " - " +y);
$('#tavatar').attr('src', info6);
$('#pprofile').append(' <a href="/u'+user+'">View Profile</a> ');
$('#bpart').text(msg1 + info7 + msg2 + n+ " - " +y+ msg3 +info2 + msg4 + info3 + msg5+ info5 + msg6 + info4 + msg7);
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Now it is displaying but it isn't shows the correct data and member's name, avatar, number of posts, number of thanks etc.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
whats link to where the widget is displayed
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Do you mean the member's Profile link or id? Because the js founds a specific user.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
no i mean where is the widget because i dont see it on the index page
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
@_Twisted_Mods_ go here to see it because probably you are in the portal of the forum!
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Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Can we display the month like "December" and not as number like etc 11-2014?
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
try this script
try this script
- Code:
$(function() {
$(function() {
var user = "1";
var thetitle = "Member Of The Month";
var name = "#profile-advanced-right>.main:nth-child(2)>.main-head .h3 span";
var d = new Date();
var month = new Array();
month[0] = "January";
month[1] = "February";
month[2] = "March";
month[3] = "April";
month[4] = "May";
month[5] = "June";
month[6] = "July";
month[7] = "August";
month[8] = "September";
month[9] = "October";
month[10] = "November";
month[11] = "December";
var n = month[d.getMonth()];
y = d.getFullYear();
var ddate = n+" "+y;
var joindate = "#field_id-4";
var bday = "#field_id-12";
var postt = "#field_id-13";
var points = "#field_id-6";
var avatar = "#profile-advanced-right .main .main-content img";
var msg1 = 'Congratulations to ';
var msg2 = ' our member of ';
var msg3 = '. Joined the first time in this forum ';
var msg4 = '. He/She celebrates a birthday on ';
var msg5 = '. He/She has a total of ';
var msg6 = ' posts. He/She received ';
var msg7 = ' reputation points. Congratulations to this months member.';
var j = jQuery, info1;
j('#blah1').load('/u'+user+' #main-content', function() {
info1 = j(this).find(name).text(); //name
info7= info1.replace('Πληροφορίες για τον/την ','');
info2 = j(this).find(joindate+' .field_uneditable').text(); //join date
info3 = j(this).find(bday+' .field_uneditable').text(); //birthday
info4 = j(this).find(postt+' .field_uneditable').text(); //points
info5 = j(this).find(points+' .field_uneditable').text(); //post
info6 = j(this).find(avatar).attr('src'); //avatar
$('#nameh strong').text(info7);
$('.mimp a').attr('href', '/privmsg?mode=post&u='+user);
$('.mipost a').attr('href', '/spa/'+info7);
$('#thedate').text(n+ " - " +y);
$('#tavatar').attr('src', info6);
$('#pprofile').append(' <a href="/u'+user+'">View Profile</a> ');
$('#bpart').text(msg1 + info7 + msg2 + n+ " - " +y+ msg3 +info2 + msg4 + info3 + msg5+ info5 + msg6 + info4 + msg7);
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Nice its looks perfect @_Twisted_Mods_, now must I change the user id in js each month?
The problem with username and avatar has been solved. Can we add the js in the widget code?
The problem with username and avatar has been solved. Can we add the js in the widget code?
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
yea you will have to change user = "1" to the # of the user for that month
i asked ange to have a look to figure out how to add the js in the widget code to make sure im doing it right
i asked ange to have a look to figure out how to add the js in the widget code to make sure im doing it right
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
This should work :
- Code:
<style type="text/css">
.mipost, #nameh{display:inline-block;padding-left:10px}
hr {
display: block;
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
border-style: inset;
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px 5px;
#thedate {
padding: 2px 5px;
<td style="width: 20%;" rowspan="2">
<img id="tavatar" src="" />
<div id="nameh">
<strong>name</strong> <span class="mimp"><a href="/privmsg?mode=post&u=46"><img src="" /></a></span><span class="mipost"><a href="spa/test"><img src="" /></a></span><br />
<hr />
<div id="motm">
<div id="thedate">
8 - 2014
<td colspan="2">
<div id="bpart">
</div><br />
<div id="pprofile">
<div id="blah1" style="display:none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var user = "1";
var thetitle = "Member Of The Month";
var name = ".subtitle";
var d = new Date(),
n = d.getMonth(),
y = d.getFullYear();
var ddate = n+" "+y;
var joindate = "#field_id-4";
var bday = "#field_id-12";
var postt = "#field_id-13";
var points = "#field_id-6";
var avatar = "#profile-advanced-right .inner div img";
var msg1 = 'Congratulations to ';
var msg2 = ' our member of ';
var msg3 = '. Joined the first time in this forum ';
var msg4 = '. He/She celebrates a birthday on ';
var msg5 = '. He/She has a total of ';
var msg6 = ' posts. He/She received ';
var msg7 = ' reputation points. Congratulations to this months member.';
var j = jQuery, info1, info2, info3, info4, info5, info6, info7;
j('#blah1').load('/u'+user+' #main-content', function() {
info1 = j(this).find(name).text(); //name
info7= info1.replace('Πληροφορίες για τον/την ','');
info2 = j(this).find(joindate+' .field_uneditable').text(); //join date
info3 = j(this).find(bday+' .field_uneditable').text(); //birthday
info4 = j(this).find(postt+' .field_uneditable').text(); //points
info5 = j(this).find(points+' .field_uneditable').text(); //post
info6 = j(this).find(avatar).attr('src'); //avatar
j('#nameh strong').text(info7);
j('.mimp a').attr('href', '/privmsg?mode=post&u='+user);
j('.mipost a').attr('href', '/spa/'+info7);
j('#thedate').text(n+ " - " +y);
j('#tavatar').attr('src', info6);
j('#pprofile').append(' <a href="/u'+user+'">View Profile</a> ');
j('#bpart').text(msg1 + info7 + msg2 + n+ " - " +y+ msg3 +info2 + msg4 + info3 + msg5+ info5 + msg6 + info4 + msg7);
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Hello Ange,
Can we change the date format to Month - Year etc December - 2014?
Can we change the date format to Month - Year etc December - 2014?
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Try now :
- Code:
<style type="text/css">
.mipost, #nameh{display:inline-block;padding-left:10px}
hr {
display: block;
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
border-style: inset;
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px 5px;
#thedate {
padding: 2px 5px;
<td style="width: 20%;" rowspan="2">
<img id="tavatar" src="" />
<div id="nameh">
<strong>name</strong> <span class="mimp"><a href="/privmsg?mode=post&u=46"><img src="" /></a></span><span class="mipost"><a href="spa/test"><img src="" /></a></span><br />
<hr />
<div id="motm">
<div id="thedate">
8 - 2014
<td colspan="2">
<div id="bpart">
</div><br />
<div id="pprofile">
<div id="blah1" style="display:none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var user = "1";
var thetitle = "Member Of The Month";
var name = ".subtitle";
var d = new Date();
var month = new Array();
month[0] = "January";
month[1] = "February";
month[2] = "March";
month[3] = "April";
month[4] = "May";
month[5] = "June";
month[6] = "July";
month[7] = "August";
month[8] = "September";
month[9] = "October";
month[10] = "November";
month[11] = "December";
var n = month[d.getMonth()];
var y = d.getFullYear();
var ddate = n+" "+y;
var joindate = "#field_id-4";
var bday = "#field_id-12";
var postt = "#field_id-13";
var points = "#field_id-6";
var avatar = "#profile-advanced-right .inner div img";
var msg1 = 'Congratulations to ';
var msg2 = ' our member of ';
var msg3 = '. Joined the first time in this forum ';
var msg4 = '. He/She celebrates a birthday on ';
var msg5 = '. He/She has a total of ';
var msg6 = ' posts. He/She received ';
var msg7 = ' reputation points. Congratulations to this months member.';
var j = jQuery, info1, info2, info3, info4, info5, info6, info7;
j('#blah1').load('/u'+user+' #main-content', function() {
info1 = j(this).find(name).text(); //name
info7= info1.replace('Πληροφορίες για τον/την ','');
info2 = j(this).find(joindate+' .field_uneditable').text(); //join date
info3 = j(this).find(bday+' .field_uneditable').text(); //birthday
info4 = j(this).find(postt+' .field_uneditable').text(); //points
info5 = j(this).find(points+' .field_uneditable').text(); //post
info6 = j(this).find(avatar).attr('src'); //avatar
j('#nameh strong').text(info7);
j('.mimp a').attr('href', '/privmsg?mode=post&u='+user);
j('.mipost a').attr('href', '/spa/'+info7);
j('#thedate').text(n+ " - " +y);
j('#tavatar').attr('src', info6);
j('#pprofile').append(' <a href="/u'+user+'">View Profile</a> ');
j('#bpart').text(msg1 + info7 + msg2 + n+ " - " +y+ msg3 +info2 + msg4 + info3 + msg5+ info5 + msg6 + info4 + msg7);
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
- Code:
<style type="text/css">
.mipost, #nameh{display:inline-block;padding-left:10px}
hr {
display: block;
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
border-style: inset;
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px 5px;
#thedate {
padding: 2px 5px;
<td style="width: 20%;" rowspan="2">
<img id="tavatar"
src="" />
<div id="nameh">
<strong>name</strong> <span
class="mimp"><a href="/privmsg?mode=post&u=46"><img
/></a></span><span class="mipost"><a
href="spa/test"><img src=""
/></a></span><br />
<hr />
<div id="motm">
<div id="thedate">
8 - 2014
<td colspan="2">
<div id="bpart">
</div><br />
<div id="pprofile">
<div id="blah1" style="display:none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var user = "1";
var thetitle = "Member Of The Month";
var name = ".subtitle";
var d = new Date();
var month = new Array();
month[0] = "January";
month[1] = "February";
month[2] = "March";
month[3] = "April";
month[4] = "May";
month[5] = "June";
month[6] = "July";
month[7] = "August";
month[8] = "September";
month[9] = "October";
month[10] = "November";
month[11] = "December";
var n = month[d.getMonth()];
var y = d.getFullYear();
var ddate = n+" "+y;
var joindate = "#field_id-4";
var bday = "#field_id-12";
var postt = "#field_id-13";
var points = "#field_id-6";
var avatar = "#profile-advanced-right .main .main-content img";
var msg1 = 'Congratulations to ';
var msg2 = ' our member of ';
var msg3 = '. Joined the first time in this forum ';
var msg4 = '. He/She celebrates a birthday on ';
var msg5 = '. He/She has a total of ';
var msg6 = ' posts. He/She received ';
var msg7 = ' reputation points. Congratulations to this months member.';
var j = jQuery, info1, info2, info3, info4, info5, info6, info7;
j('#blah1').load('/u'+user+' #main-content', function() {
info1 = j(this).find(name).text(); //name
info7= info1.replace('Πληροφορίες για τον/την ','');
info2 = j(this).find(joindate+' .field_uneditable').text(); //join date
info3 = j(this).find(bday+' .field_uneditable').text(); //birthday
info4 = j(this).find(postt+' .field_uneditable').text(); //points
info5 = j(this).find(points+' .field_uneditable').text(); //post
info6 = j(this).find(avatar).attr('src'); //avatar
j('#nameh strong').text(info7);
j('.mimp a').attr('href', '/privmsg?mode=post&u='+user);
j('.mipost a').attr('href', '/spa/'+info7);
j('#thedate').text(n+ " - " +y);
j('#tavatar').attr('src', info6);
j('#pprofile').append(' <a href="/u'+user+'">View Profile</a> ');
j('#bpart').text(msg1 + info7 + msg2 + n+ " - " +y+ msg3 +info2 + msg4 + info3 + msg5+ info5 + msg6 + info4 + msg7);
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Hello dear all,
I have adapt and finished the code the problems are solved now.
Thank you all of you
Best Regards,
I have adapt and finished the code the problems are solved now.
Thank you all of you
Best Regards,
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