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Forum Trouble

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In progress Forum Trouble

Post by Forbidden Fruit January 2nd 2015, 4:10 am

I'm on this RP forum and one of the Admins there has slandered me for something aka god-modding a member which isn't true and now they have ganged up and been nasty and spiteful, they are doing my nut in and it doesn't help that I'm stressed out as it is with upcomg surgery in a few weeks, anyway, they have slated me and made a bunch of lies about me to one of the other members who turned into a total jerk too, so what am I to do about this? It's happened before and now again, it's a CSI:Miami RP forum and it used to be a nice place to have fun and now it's turned into a b***h fest and not about having fun but dissing fellow members. 

Advice please

Forbidden Fruit
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Posts : 5
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In progress Re: Forum Trouble

Post by Ange Tuteur January 2nd 2015, 4:23 am

Hello @Forbidden Fruit,

As far as issues with Administrators and Members of forums go, they're out of our jurisdiction. The most you can do is try to work out your issues with these members, or simply ignore them. Furthermore, if you feel the content on the forum is breaking the Terms of Service, you can submit a litigation report.
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

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In progress Re: Forum Trouble

Post by Forbidden Fruit January 2nd 2015, 4:27 am

Tried that and yet I still get slander from them and it's just hurtful, not a nice way to end 2014 like that and even being sick was not good while they acted like little kids in a playground...
Forbidden Fruit
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Posts : 5
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Language : English

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In progress Re: Forum Trouble

Post by Base January 2nd 2015, 11:21 am


Unfortunately, if a forum is not breaking our terms of service, then we cannot do anything about it. As stated above, your best bet is to work these problems out or ignore them.

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