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Whats the users avatar/signature above saying?

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Whats the users avatar/signature above saying? Empty Whats the users avatar/signature above saying?

Post by Swagbito Mon 5 Jan - 3:56

The game is simple. Basically you think of something funny you imagine the avatar above saying,and post it. If the user above doesn`t have a avatar,go to the signature. If they don't have either,move on to the user above them.

Swagbito: Yolo
Marco: I`m so fancy.

Posts : 176
Reputation : 4
Language : English & Japanese

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Whats the users avatar/signature above saying? Empty Re: Whats the users avatar/signature above saying?

Post by Base Mon 5 Jan - 11:26

Forum games are deemed too random for this section. Plus signatures are only allowed for staff members. I will be locking this topic.

Male Posts : 10383
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Language : English and French
Location : United Kingdom, England

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