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How to add a forum with 4 category's.

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How to add a forum with 4 category's. Empty How to add a forum with 4 category's.

Post by Guest January 10th 2015, 9:15 pm

Hello, I am not sure how to add category's to forums, also please don't send the link on how to do it because it seems to not help me, so I was wondering maybe you could tell me what to do to make something that looks like this in the end.

I'm not so sure how though, please help me.

Kind regards,


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How to add a forum with 4 category's. Empty Re: How to add a forum with 4 category's.

Post by Klemen January 10th 2015, 11:17 pm

Do you mean a category with 4 forums? That is what it looks like from the screenshot. 

To do that just go to the control panel. Then navigate to General > Categories and Forums. It should not be too hard from there, since the interface is very graphic. Just press the "Add" button and then under "Choose the kind of forum you want" select "Category". Then attach it to the forum you want. You can then add forums under a category.

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