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Valentines Entry.

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Valentines Entry. Empty Valentines Entry.

Post by Guest February 7th 2015, 6:32 pm

I've never won a Forumotion contest or even entered one before, but I'm going to try my best. Smile (The [url=#]creditsValentines Entry. Arrow-10x10[/url] mainly would be used on a new domain and copy rights.)

My valentines quote: "When you talk to me, you talk to my heart, when you kiss my lips, you light up my soul."

Valentines day picture: Valentines Entry. I-love-you.

I hope you have a nice day, even if you don't get a valentines day card, just know I'm thinking of you. Smile  :rose:

P.S. Here is a song that goes out to YOU!  I love you


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Valentines Entry. Empty Re: Valentines Entry.

Post by Derri February 7th 2015, 6:40 pm

You have to post your picture here: and I think the picture needs to be hand made as opposed to computer generated. 

You have to post your statement here:

The rules are seen here:

If you have any questions then please PM me or another staff member. 

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