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Registration user name already taken?

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In progress Registration user name already taken?

Post by jan4jam June 14th 2015, 12:42 pm

Good morning,

I tried to join as a test member and I tried a couple of names, and it said user name already taken, "but" when I went to look at my email box that I have set to approve members upon registration the validation email was there to approve I am concerned for by July 12th which is a while away is why i did this just in case errors popped up? But I did do a number of testing to join with different names and some it did not send a email to approve for only one did, the other three just said already taken and I received no notification but for only one, confused, hope this is understandable? 

What can I do to not have this happen I invited my members from my other group to come join to check it out to see if they want to be a part of it like a sneek peak so to speak so if they do not like it they can unsub and me not have a huge amount of inactive members like I do at my other group?

I sure hope this is fixable and there is a setting I just have to do please direct me?

Appreciate your support greatly through this for me,

Have a good day,

Female Posts : 132
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In progress Re: Registration user name already taken?

Post by brandon_g June 14th 2015, 1:19 pm


Try going to ACP->General-->Configuration-->Disallow subscriptions with th3 most common spam usernames? Tick NO and save.


Registration user name already taken? Brando10
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Registration user name already taken? Scre1476
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In progress Re: Registration user name already taken?

Post by SLGray June 14th 2015, 4:46 pm

brandon_g wrote:Hello,

Try going to ACP->General-->Configuration-->Disallow subscriptions with th3 most common spam usernames? Tick NO and save.

You mean AP > General > Forum > Security

Registration user name already taken? Slgray10

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In progress Re: Registration user name already taken?

Post by brandon_g June 14th 2015, 5:16 pm

Yes, sorry Embarassed .

Registration user name already taken? Brando10
Remember to mark your topic Registration user name already taken? Solved15 when a solution is found.
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Registration user name already taken? Scre1476
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In progress Re: Registration user name already taken?

Post by jan4jam June 15th 2015, 8:00 pm

Thank you

Have a good day

Female Posts : 132
Reputation : 2
Language : english
Location : New Jersey

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In progress Re: Registration user name already taken?

Post by brandon_g June 15th 2015, 8:04 pm

Your welcome anytime Very Happy.

Registration user name already taken? Brando10
Remember to mark your topic Registration user name already taken? Solved15 when a solution is found.
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Registration user name already taken? Scre1476
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Male Posts : 10113
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Location : USA

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In progress Re: Registration user name already taken?

Post by SLGray June 15th 2015, 8:10 pm

Is this solved?

Registration user name already taken? Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51526
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