reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Hitskin_logo

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    Improve the reputation system so it counts votes

    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
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    Tutorial Improve the reputation system so it counts votes

    Post by Ange Tuteur August 21st 2015, 12:58 pm

    Improve the reputation system so it counts votes

    This tutorial will help you improve the reputation system to count and display positive ( + negative ) votes. As well as submit and update votes without ever having to change the page !

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Like10

    This modification is applicable to any forum version, so long as your templates are not heavily modified. You must also have the reputation system enabled under Modules > Reputation > Activate reputation system.

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes 09615110 Installing the CSS

    Firstly you'll need to add some CSS to your stylesheet so the system displays correctly. Go to Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet and paste the following rules in your stylesheet.

            .fa_vote, .fa_voted, .fa_count {
              font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;
              display:inline-block !important;
              width:auto !important;
              float:none !important;
            .fa_voted, .fa_vote:hover { opacity:0.4 }
            .fa_voted { cursor:default }
            .fa_count {
              margin:0 3px;
            .fa_positive { color:#4A0 }
            .fa_negative { color:#A44 }
            .fa_votebar, .fa_votebar_inner {
            .fa_votebar_inner {

    You're free to change the style as you wish. Smile

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes 09615110 Installing the JavaScript

    To install the system you only need to go to Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings.

    Title : Reputation Improvement
    Placement : In all the pages
            $(function() {
                      // General Configuration of the plugin
                      var config = {
                        position_left : true, // true for left || false for right
                        negative_vote : true, // true for negative votes || false for positive only
                        vote_bar : true, // display a small bar under the vote buttons
                        // button config
                        icon_plus : '<img src="" alt="+"/>',
                        icon_minus : '<img src="" alt="-"/>',
                        // language config
                        title_plus : 'Like %{USERNAME}\'s post',
                        title_minus : 'Dislike %{USERNAME}\'s post',
                        title_like_singular : '%{VOTES} person likes %{USERNAME}\'s post',
                        title_like_plural : '%{VOTES} people like %{USERNAME}\'s post',
                        title_dislike_singular : '%{VOTES} person dislikes %{USERNAME}\'s post',
                        title_dislike_plural : '%{VOTES} people dislike %{USERNAME}\'s post',
                        title_vote_bar : '%{VOTES} people liked %{USERNAME}\'s post %{PERCENT}'
                      // function bound to the onclick handler of the vote buttons
                      submit_vote = function() {
                        var next = this.nextSibling, // the counter next to the vote button that was clicked
                            box = this.parentNode,
                            bar = box.getElementsByTagName('DIV'),
                            vote = box.getElementsByTagName('A'),
                            mode = /eval=plus/.test(this.href) ? 1 : 0,
                            i = 0, j = vote.length, pos, neg, percent;
                        // submit the vote asynchronously
                        $.get(this.href, function() {
                          next.innerHTML = +next.innerHTML + 1; // add to the vote count
                          next.title = next.title.replace(/(\d+)/, function(M, $1) { return +$1 + 1 });
                          pos = +vote[0].nextSibling.innerHTML;
                          neg = vote[1] ? +vote[1].nextSibling.innerHTML : 0;
                          percent = pos == 0 ? '0%' : pos == neg ? '50%' : Math.round(pos / (pos + neg) * 100) + '%';
                          if (bar[0]) {
                            bar[0].style.display = '';
                            bar[0] = percent;
                            box.title = box.title.replace(/\d+\/\d+/, pos + '/' + ( pos + neg )).replace(/\(\d+%\)/, '(' + percent + ')');
                        // revoke voting capabilities on the post once the vote is cast
                        for (; i < j; i++) {
                          vote[i].href = '#';
                          vote[i].className = vote[i].className.replace(/fa_vote/, 'fa_voted');
                          vote[i].onclick = function() { return false };
                        return false;
                      vote = $('.vote'), i = 0, j = vote.length,
                      version = $('.bodylinewidth')[0] ? 0 :
                                document.getElementById('phpbb') ? 1 :
                                $('.pun')[0] ? 2 :
                                document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? 3 :
                                document.getElementById('modernbb') ? 4 :
                                $('body')[0] ? 5 : 
                                'badapple', // version check
                      // version data so we don't have to redefine these arrays during the loop
                      vdata = {
                        tag : ['SPAN', 'LI', 'SPAN', 'LI', 'LI'][version],
                        name : ['.name', '', '.postprofile dt > strong', '.username', '.popmenubutton', '.postprofile-name'][version],
                        actions : ['.post-options', '.profile-icons',  '.post-options', '.posting-icons', '.profile-icons', ''][version]
                      post, plus, minus, n_pos, n_neg, title_pos, title_neg, li, ul, bar, button, total, percent, span, pseudo, vote_bar; // startup variables for later use in the loop
                      // prevent execution if the version cannot be determined
                      if (version == 'badapple') {
                        if (window.console) console.warn('This plugin is not optimized for your forum version. Please contact the support for further assistance.');
                      for (; i < j; i++) {
                        post = $(vote[i]).closest('.post')[0];
                        bar = $('.vote-bar', vote[i])[0]; // vote bar
                        button = $('a[href*="p_vote"]', vote[i]); // plus and minus buttons
                        pseudo = $(, post).text() || 'MISSING_STRING'; // username of the poster
                        ul = $(vdata.actions, post)[0]; // post actions
                        li = document.createElement(vdata.tag); // vote system container
                        li.className = 'fa_reputation';
                        if (li.tagName == 'SPAN') = 'inline-block';
                        // calculate votes
                        if (bar) {
                          total = +bar.title.replace(/.*?\((\d+).*/, '$1');
                          percent = +bar.title.replace(/.*?(\d+)%.*/, '$1');
                          n_pos = Math.round(total * (percent / 100));
                          n_neg = total - n_pos;
                        } else {
                          n_pos = 0;
                          n_neg = 0;
                        // set up negative and positive titles with the correct grammar, votes, and usernames
                        title_pos = (n_pos == 1 ? config.title_like_singular : config.title_like_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_pos);
                        title_neg = (n_neg == 1 ? config.title_dislike_singular : config.title_dislike_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_neg);
                        // define the vote counts
                        li.innerHTML = '<span class="fa_count fa_positive" title="' + title_pos + '">' + n_pos + '</span>' + (config.negative_vote ? '&nbsp;<span class="fa_count fa_negative" title="' + title_neg + '">' + n_neg + '</span>' : '');
                        span = li.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); // get the vote count containers for use as insertion points
                        // create positive vote button
                        plus = document.createElement('A');
                        plus.href = button[0] ? button[0].href : '#';
                        plus.onclick = button[0] ? submit_vote : function() { return false };
                        plus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[0] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_plus';
                        plus.innerHTML = config.icon_plus;
                        plus.title = (button[0] ? config.title_plus : title_pos).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo);
                        span[0] && li.insertBefore(plus, span[0]);
                        // create negative vote button
                        if (config.negative_vote) {
                          minus = document.createElement('A');
                          minus.href = button[1] ? button[1].href : '#';
                          minus.onclick = button[1] ? submit_vote : function() { return false };
                          minus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[1] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_minus';
                          minus.innerHTML = config.icon_minus;
                          minus.title = (button[1] ? config.title_minus : title_neg).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo);
                          span[1] && li.insertBefore(minus, span[1]);
                        // create vote bar
                        if (config.vote_bar) {
                          vote_bar = document.createElement('DIV');
                          vote_bar.className = 'fa_votebar';
                          vote_bar.innerHTML = '<div class="fa_votebar_inner" style="width:' + percent + '%;"></div>';
                 = bar ? '' : 'none';
                          li.title = config.title_vote_bar.replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/, n_pos + '/' + (n_pos + n_neg)).replace(/%\{PERCENT\}/, '(' + percent + '%)');
                        // finally insert the vote system and remove the default one
                        config.position_left ? ul.insertBefore(li, ul.firstChild) : ul.appendChild(li);
              "float": "right" 

    Save the script and the modification is now installed ! If you want to make any modifications, then please read the next section. Smile

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes 09615110 Modifying the script

    To give you control over the system and make it easy to edit, the script contains a configuration object at the top of the script named config. Below you will find an explanation of a majority of the settings.

    Edit General configuration

    The general configuration options take a boolean value of true or false. Where true means the option is enabled, and false means it's disabled.

    position_left : When set to true the vote system will display to the left of the post options. Turn this to false if you want the vote system to display to the right of the post options.

    negative_vote : When set to true the negative vote button will be available. reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Minus10 Set this option to false if you don't want negative votes.

    vote_bar : When set to true a small bar depicting the total votes will appear bellow the like and dislike buttons. If you don't want this bar to show set the option to false.

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes C12

    Edit Button configuration

    The button config allows you to modify the icon or text displayed for the like and dislike buttons. You can use HTML or plain text, the choice is yours. Smile

    icon_plus : Changes the icon displayed for the like button. By default it's an HTML image element.
    <img src="" alt="+"/>

    icon_minus : Changes the icon displayed for the dislike button. By default this is also an HTML image element.
    <img src="" alt="-"/>

    If you want to display different images, simply replace the current image URLs in the src attributes with your own images. If you just want text, then delete everything except the quotes and write whatever you want, such as "like."

    Edit Language configuration

    Lastly is the language configuration. This is mainly for changing the texts or translating them to your own language. The text that displays is only for the titles or "tooltips." The block of language settings looks like this :
        title_plus : 'Like %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_minus : 'Dislike %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_like_singular : '%{VOTES} person likes %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_like_plural : '%{VOTES} people like %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_dislike_singular : '%{VOTES} person dislikes %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_dislike_plural : '%{VOTES} people dislike %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_vote_bar : '%{VOTES} people liked %{USERNAME}\'s post %{PERCENT}'

    In this you will notice variables such as %{VOTES}. You can move these variables around, however, be sure not to change the texts inside the curly brackets. There are also similar titles for grammar; singular for 1 vote and plural for multiple votes.

    Here is a quick example of changing one of the existing language settings. Instead of "Like" maybe we want "Vote up" :
    title_plus : 'Vote up %{USERNAME}\'s post'

    You'll also notice that we have a slash before the quote. That character is known as an escape character, and is meant to escape the same type of quote we're using to surround the string. Remember to do this whenever you use single quotes.

    Now, once you're finished changing the language, just save the script and it'll be updated. Smile

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes 09615110 Summary

    Once the system is installed and you've made your modifications, you'll have a new wonderful way to vote on posts in your forum ! When you submit a vote, everything is performed asynchronously, so you wont see the "your vote has been submitted" page. Instead you'll see the vote count increase and the bar change size depending on your settings.

    Happy voting  Mr. Green

    TonnyKamper likes this post


    Male Posts : 51505
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    Tutorial Re: Improve the reputation system so it counts votes

    Post by SLGray July 4th 2017, 10:29 pm

    The tutorial has been updated to include ModernBB.

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    TonnyKamper likes this post


    Male Posts : 19341
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    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Tutorial Re: Improve the reputation system so it counts votes

    Post by Ape December 30th 2018, 6:10 pm

    Dear members please note the following

    This Tutorial is only made to work for phpBB2, phpBB3, PunBB, Invision, ModernBB, forums this will not work right in AwesomeBB version,

    there is no plan to update this code to work with AwesomeBB version right now sorry.

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Left1212reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Center11reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Right112
    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Ape_b110
    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Ape1010

    Female Posts : 15341
    Reputation : 1705
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    Location : Greece

    Tutorial Re: Improve the reputation system so it counts votes

    Post by skouliki March 13th 2022, 1:47 pm

    This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

    updated 13.03.2022 by skouliki

    TonnyKamper likes this post


    Male Posts : 19341
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Tutorial Re: Improve the reputation system so it counts votes

    Post by Ape January 16th 2023, 4:05 pm

    The tutorial has been updated to now include AwesomeBB Thanks to the help of @كونان2000 banana

    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Left1212reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Center11reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Right112
    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Ape_b110
    reputation - Improve the reputation system so it counts votes Ape1010

    skouliki, BlackScorpion, TonnyKamper and كونان2000 like this post