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Transparent Forum Table and Modules

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Transparent Forum Table and Modules Empty Transparent Forum Table and Modules

Post by Customkid2 August 25th 2015, 3:54 pm

So the screenshot for my forum is:
And the site url is:
It is PunBB

My issue is that I'd like to make all the cells on the forum transparent. So I've figured out how to make the chatbox background transparent, but I'd like to make everything see through. This includes the cells of the table. Currently, as you can see, they are white. I was wondering if it was at all possible to maybe change their opacity in order to make the main background image of the site the background for all everything on the forum?

Posts : 29
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Transparent Forum Table and Modules Empty Re: Transparent Forum Table and Modules

Post by Guest September 7th 2015, 11:37 pm

Try using this code:

.pun table.table td {
    background color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.30);
    border-color:  rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.30);

That could work, make sure to try it out.

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Transparent Forum Table and Modules Empty Re: Transparent Forum Table and Modules

Post by Customkid2 September 8th 2015, 3:08 pm

Doesn't seem to be working. The cells of the forum are still solid. I tried adjusting the opacity in a similar manner however it seems they're staying as solid as before. I'm not sure why as usually when I adjust the CSS changes. I made sure to double check to see if all my CSS  was active and it is.

(Also, thanks for the help)

Posts : 29
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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