This trick will help you add a function for searching topics, posts, etc.. on the mobile version of your Forumotion forum.
The searches are performed asynchronously, so you will still be on the same page where you initiated the search until you click to view a result.
1. Installing the JavaScript
To install this feature you need to create a new script by going to Admin Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings.
Title : Mobile Search Placement : In all the pages - Code:
(function() { var mobile = $('link[href$="?mobi"]')[0]; if (mobile) { window._mobileSearch = { // language settings lang : { search_stop : 'Stop searching', search_loading : '<div class="mobile_search_info">Loading...</div>', // {GUEST?STRING} applies the STRING in the brackets if the user is a guest search_error : '<div class="mobile_search_info">The page could not be retrieved. Please check with an administrator about your search permissions{GUEST? or <a href="/login">login</a> if you haven\'t yet}.</div>' }, // search presets presets : { 'Search Presets' : '', 'Advanced Search' : 'RESET', // RESET is a special value ( see preset.onchange ) 'Active Topics' : '/search?search_id=activetopics', 'New Posts' : '/search?search_id=newposts', 'Your Posts' : '/search?search_id=egosearch', 'Unanswered' : '/search?search_id=unanswered' }, active : false, // actively searching ? // open the search window open : function(href, callback) { if ( _mobileSearch.close(); var box = document.createElement('DIV'), preset = document.createElement('SELECT'), i; = 'fa_mobile_search'; box.innerHTML = '<div id="mobile_search_content">' + _mobileSearch.lang.search_loading + '</div><div id="mobile_search_nav" class="mobile_title application_header"> <a href="javascript:_mobileSearch.close();" class="defaultBtn" style="float:right;margin-right:3px;">' + _mobileSearch.lang.search_stop + '</a></div>'; for (i in _mobileSearch.presets) preset.innerHTML += '<option value="' + _mobileSearch.presets[i] + '">' + i + '</option>'; preset.onchange = function() { if (this.value) { if (this.value == 'RESET') document.getElementById('faMobileSearch'); else, function(content, data) { _mobileSearch.formatMobile(content); }); } }; box.lastChild.insertBefore(preset, box.lastChild.getElementsByTagName('A')[0]); $.get(href + (/\?/.test(href) ? '&' : '?') + 'change_version=prosilver', function(data) { var main = $('#main-content', data)[0], page; if (main) { box.firstChild.innerHTML = ''; box.firstChild.appendChild(main);
$('.pagination:not(strong) span a', box.firstChild).click(_mobileSearch.getPage);
callback && callback(box.firstChild, data); } else box.firstChild.innerHTML = _mobileSearch.lang.search_error.replace(/\{GUEST\?(.*?)\}/, _userdata.session_logged_in ? '' : '$1'); }); = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(box); = true; }, // close the search window close : function() { if ( { var box = document.getElementById('fa_mobile_search'); box && document.body.removeChild(box); = ''; = false; } }, // get the next page getPage : function() { var content = document.getElementById('fa_mobile_search').firstChild; content.innerHTML = _mobileSearch.lang.search_loading; $.get(this.href + (/\?/.test(this.href) ? '&' : '?') + 'change_version=prosilver', function(data) { var main = $('#main-content', data)[0];
if (main) { content.scrollTop = 0; content.innerHTML = ''; content.appendChild(main); $('.pagination:not(strong) span a', content).click(_mobileSearch.getPage); _mobileSearch.formatMobile(content); } }); return false; }, // format elements with mobile classes formatMobile : function(context) { context = context ? context : document; var a = $('a', context), i = 0, j = a.length, pagination = $('p.pagination', context); $('h1', context).addClass('mobile_set'); $('.row', context).addClass('mobile_item'); pagination.addClass('mobile_title'); $('span a:not(.pag-img), span strong', pagination).attr('class', 'defaultBtn'); $('.postbody h2', context).addClass('post_header'); for (; i < j; i++) a[i].href = a[i].href.replace(/(?:&|\?)change_version=prosilver/, ''); }
}; // write stylesheet into header document.write('<style type="text/css">#fa_mobile_search{background:#C4C4C6;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;padding-top:35px;z-index:99998}#mobile_search_content{height:100%;width:100%;overflow-y:auto}#mobile_search_nav{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;z-index:99999}#mobile_search_nav a{line-height:26px}#fa_mobile_search .mobile_set,ul#mNavbar{height:auto}ul#mNavbar{padding:3px 0}.mobile_search_info{font-weight:700;text-align:center;padding:3px}#fa_mobile_search .forabg .dterm,#fa_mobile_search .forabg .icon{background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:5px 50%}#fa_mobile_search .forabg .dterm{padding-left:35px;width:80%}#fa_mobile_search .postprofile{margin-top:16px;text-align:center}#fa_mobile_search .postprofile dd{display:none}#fa_mobile_search .postprofile .author,#fa_mobile_search .postprofile .author+dd{display:inline;margin:0 3px}#fa_mobile_search p.pagination{font-size:0;text-align:center}#fa_mobile_search p.pagination span a,#fa_mobile_search p.pagination span strong{font-size:13px;line-height:26px;margin:3px}#fa_mobile_search strong.defaultBtn{color:#FF0}#fa_mobile_search .submit-buttons{text-align:center}#fa_mobile_search fieldset{padding:6px}#fa_mobile_search fieldset input.defaultBtn{margin:3px 0}#fa_mobile_search fieldset dl select{max-width:90%}#fa_mobile_search fieldset dl{margin:6px 0}#fa_mobile_search fieldset dl dt{font-weight:700;margin-right:3px;float:left}#fa_mobile_search #main-content>:first-child,#fa_mobile_search #main-content>p:not(.pagination),#fa_mobile_search .forabg .header,#fa_mobile_search .forabg .lastpost,#fa_mobile_search .forabg .posts,#fa_mobile_search .forabg .span-tab,#fa_mobile_search .forabg .views,#fa_mobile_search .pag-img,#fa_mobile_search .right-box,#fa_mobile_search .topic-actions,#fa_mobile_search form[name=jumpbox]{display:none}</style>'); // DOM ready modifications $(function() { var search = document.createElement('LI'); = 'faMobileSearch'; search.innerHTML = '<a class="navElement" href="/search"><img src=""/><br/><span class="navBtnLabel">Search</span></a>'; search.firstChild.onclick = function(e) {, function(content, data) { $('h1, h2', content).addClass('mobile_set'); $('.panel', content).addClass('post'); $('.button1, .button2', content).attr('class', 'defaultBtn'); $('form[action^="/search"]', content).submit(function(e) {'/search?' + $(this).serialize(), function(content, data) { _mobileSearch.formatMobile(content); }); e.preventDefault(); }); }); e.preventDefault(); };
$(function(){ var bar = document.getElementById('mNavbar'); bar && bar.appendChild(search); }); }); } })(); Save the script when you're finished. After this, you should now have a new button under the mobile navigation to initiate searches from anywhere on the mobile version.
If you want to make any modifications please see the following section.
2. Modifications
Language : To modify any of the language content that appears in this feature, you should edit the lang object. It contains three language settings and looks like this : - Code:
lang : { search_stop : 'Stop searching', search_loading : '<div class="mobile_search_info">Loading...</div>', // {GUEST?STRING} applies the STRING in the brackets if the user is a guest search_error : '<div class="mobile_search_info">The page could not be retrieved. Please check with an administrator about your search permissions{GUEST? or <a href="/login">login</a> if you haven\'t yet}.</div>' }, The last one contains a small condition, {GUEST?STRING} for short, applies the texts after the question mark if the user is a guest. Also, make sure to escape any single quotes you use to avoid errors ! ( instead of don't you should write don\'t )
Search presets : The search presets contains preset search pages, such as ; View post since last visit, unanswered posts, etc..
You can modify the presets object to change the name of presets, as well as add new presets if you want. It looks like this : - Code:
presets : { 'Search Presets' : '', 'Advanced Search' : 'RESET', // RESET is a special value ( see preset.onchange ) 'Active Topics' : '/search?search_id=activetopics', 'New Posts' : '/search?search_id=newposts', 'Your Posts' : '/search?search_id=egosearch', 'Unanswered' : '/search?search_id=unanswered' }, Each preset contains a name:location pair :
name : The preset texts location : The URL the preset loads ( searches by default )
Remember to separate each pair by a comma !