This script will redirect you immediately after you submit a message, private message, etc.. on your Forumotion forum.
Installing the JavaScript To install this script go to Admin Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management. Make sure JavaScript codes management is enabled, and then create a new script with the following settings.
Title : Immediate redirection Placement : In all the pages - Code:
(function() { for (var meta = document.getElementsByTagName('META'), i = 0, j = meta.length; i < j; i++) { if (meta[i].httpEquiv && /refresh/i.test(meta[i].httpEquiv)) { window.location.href = meta[i].content.replace(/^.*;url=/, ''); break; } } }()); Save the script, and you should now be quickly redirected back to threads after making a post, your inbox after sending a PM, etc..