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Multiple Rank Paths

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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Multiple Rank Paths

Post by Scarlet D. February 13th 2016, 12:46 am

Technical Details

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Description of problem

So, i want my members to choose a crew from a new profile field (i created).


i want a script that will read the content of the "crew" field on every member's post and read the number of his posts and then will show a specific icon below the avatar

(i made the "crew field" visible in every person's messages with icon)

I appreciate your help
Scarlet D.
Scarlet D.

Male Posts : 130
Reputation : 2
Language : Greek,English
Location : Athens,Greece

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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by Take Notes February 13th 2016, 1:28 am

If you create a new profile field in a list, you can do this but it will not be linked to rank. Not sure if it's possible to do this by coding.
Take Notes
Take Notes

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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by Scarlet D. February 13th 2016, 1:37 am

i got already a new "crew field" that is list. All i want to know is if it is possible to achieve something like this. The script will just read the "crew" field and the post number and will just output a specific image that depends on the number of the posts and the "crew" field content
Scarlet D.
Scarlet D.

Male Posts : 130
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Language : Greek,English
Location : Athens,Greece

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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by TheCrow February 13th 2016, 1:54 am

It is possible if I am correct.
So the code you want will be reading the member's number of posts and the crew field and based on that it will show an image?
If that is what you want I think we can manage something out without being 100% sure though.

Multiple Rank Paths Thecro10
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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by Scarlet D. February 13th 2016, 2:09 am

Luffy wrote:It is possible if I am correct.
So the code you want will be reading the member's number of posts and the crew field and based on that it will show an image?
If that is what you want I think we can manage something out without being 100% sure though.
yes, Luffy that's exactly what i want!
Scarlet D.
Scarlet D.

Male Posts : 130
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Location : Athens,Greece

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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by TheCrow February 13th 2016, 2:15 am

Ok if someone else doesn't provide you with what you want I'll do my best to get the code to work as you wan it as soon as possible. Smile
Please tag me if you want to make any comments on your request. Wink

Multiple Rank Paths Thecro10
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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by Scarlet D. February 14th 2016, 3:33 pm

Scarlet D.
Scarlet D.

Male Posts : 130
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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by Scarlet D. February 15th 2016, 3:44 pm

Scarlet D.
Scarlet D.

Male Posts : 130
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Location : Athens,Greece

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Multiple Rank Paths Empty Re: Multiple Rank Paths

Post by Scarlet D. February 16th 2016, 5:37 pm

Scarlet D.
Scarlet D.

Male Posts : 130
Reputation : 2
Language : Greek,English
Location : Athens,Greece

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