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Fate of Asteria

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Fate of Asteria Empty Fate of Asteria

Post by Draxion February 17th 2016, 3:02 pm

Fate of Asteria

Fate of Asteria 8624_1

Choice of Category: RPG & Gaming
Choice of Title: Fate of Asteria
Forum Address:
Main Language: English
Forum Description: Fate of Asteria is a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) RPG site that takes place in the time period of space. The game uses the elements and mechanics of the D&D experience being complex character sheets, stats, dice, battling, economics, politics, and so forth. The site is brand new and barely starting out. The Dungeon Master running the game has over 15 years of experience playing D&D.

Take note, the main RPG and some parts of the forum are hidden to guests. They are only visible to members after they have joined their wanted teams.

Dungeon Master: Dungeon Master
Galactic Moderators: Starkiller
Game Experts: None
Alpha Squad: None
Bravo Squad: None
Charlie Squad: None
Delta Squad: None
Echo Squad: None
Rogue Players: None


Welcome to the Galaxy
- Newcomer's Dock
- Galactic Announcements
- Character Generation Support
- - Shops
- Questions & Suggestions
- Universal Chat
Player's Sector
- Alien Introductions
- D&D Requests
- Art Gallery
- Character Biographies
- Spell Catalogs
- Character Information
The Fate of Asteria
- Asteria Galaxy
- The Galactic Battlefield
- - Historical Battles
- Asteria's History


Our users have posted a total of 171 messages
We have 4 registered users

Last edited by Draxion on June 13th 2016, 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 2518
Reputation : 321
Language : English
Location : USA

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Fate of Asteria Empty Re: Fate of Asteria

Post by Draxion March 30th 2016, 9:23 am

First Update

Many things have happened since I first opened the site: new players joining, new forums opening, several new widgets, and a few joining the staff ranks. So far the game has progressed but not by too much so new players can join still and won't be so behind in relation to the recent player's stats. Several of the members are willing to help those that are new, as am I.

75% of all players are active daily!

New Features
• Site Navigator: an easy-to-use drop-down menu to quickly navigate around the site from the main forums to the sub-forums.
• Notepad: a notepad for personal notes for each member to use efficiently.
• Who is Online?: redid the layout and design of the widget to make it appear like the rest of the site.
Layout and Design
• Coding: changed some hover effects on a few minor things to make it look nicer by matching the rest of the theme on the site.
• New Time & Locations Table: added a second table above the chatbox to help show where players are in the game, along with what day.
• Chatbox Rules: added a quick-link to the Chatbox rules below the Chatbox.
• New Banner: created a forum banner for the D&D Markets forum.
New Forums
• Squad's Private Quarters: added to assist players with communicating and planning with only their squad privately.
• Mission Logs: added for players and their squads to efficiently keep track of the missions they are currently on. The logs are updated by the Dungeon Master.
• Other Roleplay Section: added to allow players to Roleplay other types of games outside the Fate of Asteria RPG on the site.
Forums Moved & Changes
• Spell Catalogs & Character Biographies: moved into the Character's Information forum.
• Art Gallery: moved into the Universal Chat forum.
• Shops: changed the name of the Shops forum to D&D Markets.
• Squad Leaders: added a Fate of Asteria Crown10 icon in front of squad leaders' usernames to show other players what rank they are in the squads.
• Poking System: added a feature that allows members to "poke" each other.

Dungeon Master: Dungeon Master
Galactic Moderators: Starkiller, Kolalia Heaven (NEW)
Game Experts: Agriard (NEW)
Alpha Squad: Starkiller (Team Leader) (NEW), Evelyn Nico (NEW), Agriard (NEW), Tsar (NEW), vinder (NEW), Ally day (NEW)
Bravo Squad: None
Charlie Squad: None
Delta Squad: VerniusNightshade (Team Leader) (NEW), Priah Garlas (NEW)
Echo Squad: Daron (Team Leader) (NEW), Cinderwing (NEW)
Rogue Players: Tygerwolf (NEW), Kolalia Heaven (NEW)


Welcome to the Galaxy
- Newcomer's Dock
- Galactic Announcements
- Character Generation Support
- - D&D Markets 
- Questions & Suggestions
- Universal Chat
- - Art Gallery
- - Roleplay Section (NEW)
- - - Roleplay Character Sheets (NEW)
- - - Roleplay Archives (NEW)
Player's Sector
- Alien Introductions
- Squad's Private Quarters (NEW)
- D&D Requests
- Character Information
- - Character Biographies
- - Spell Catalogs
- Mission Logs (NEW)
The Fate of Asteria
- Asteria Galaxy
- The Galactic Battlefield
- - Historical Battles
- Asteria's History


Our users have posted a total of 2349 messages
We have 18 registered users

Male Posts : 2518
Reputation : 321
Language : English
Location : USA

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