Deletes are chat history.
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Deletes are chat history.
After some time everything written in the chat will be deleted.How to fix it not to erase the history of chat.
I use a modified chat @JScript.
I use a modified chat @JScript.
- /*** * Application: chatbox8 - Edit Messages * Description: Support for editing messages in chat box! * Version: 0.05072015-jq1.9.1 * RC1 (Release candidate 1!) - Mahabharata * Author: JScript - 2015-05-07 * Copyright (c) 2015 JScript <jscriptbrasil at live dot com> * This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2 */ // Redefine function! function insertChatBox(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) { return insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url); } // Redefine function! function insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) { // Put the chat box on top of widgets! //$('#' + chatbox_id).parent().detach().prependTo('#wrapper'); document.getElementById(chatbox_id).innerHTML = '<iframe style="visibility: hidden;" src="/chatbox/" id="frame_chatbox" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="100%" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; // Loader 1 var iFrame = document.getElementById('frame_chatbox').contentWindow; var frame_chatbox_document = setInterval(function() { try { if (iFrame.jQuery) { clearInterval(frame_chatbox_document); chat_edit(); } } catch (e) {} }, 50); } // Loader 2 $(function() { if (_userdata.session_logged_in) { $('#frame_chatbox').load(function() { if (typeof document.getElementById('frame_chatbox').contentWindow['chatEdit'] == 'undefined') { chat_edit(); } }); } }); function chat_edit() { var oIframe = (document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentWindow.document || document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentDocument), script = oIframe.createElement("script"), chatbox_script = function() { window.chatEdit = { locale: { Remove: "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете това съобщение?", Save: "Запази", Cancel: "Откажи", }, config: { // Change your chatbox title, default is "" = (locale title!) Title: "", // ligns "joined" and "logged off": 1 = Remove Notice: 0, // Change the moderator prefix Prefix: "@", // Automatic login: 0 = Disable autoLogin: 1, // Limit the amount of messages to show, default is 60 limitOfMsg: 60, // Open "smiles" in a pop up window? Default is 0 = no pop up! smilePopUp: 0, /*** * New Chatbox pseudo commands (Beta test and staff only!) * Command Explanation * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * /shake "Username" shook the chat window to catch everyone's attention! */ shakeMsg: "agitou a janela de bate-papo para chamar a atenção de todos!" }, interval: 0, isStorage: (typeof(Storage) == "undefined") ? 0 : 1, oBBCode: { patt: [ /\[b](.*?)\[\/b]/gi, /\[i](.*?)\[\/i]/gi, /\[u](.*?)\[\/u]/gi, /\[s](.*?)\[\/s]/gi, /\[center](.*?)\[\/center]/gi, /\[size=(.*?)](.*?)\[\/size]/gi, /\[url](.*?)\[\/url]/gi, /\[url=(.*?)](.*?)\[\/url]/gi, /\[color=(.*?)](.*?)\[\/color]/gi, /\[img](.*?)\[\/img]/gi, /\[spoiler](.*?)\[\/spoiler]/gi, /\[code](.*?)\[\/code]/gi, /\[quote](.*?)\[\/quote]/gi ], html: [ "<strong>$1</strong>", "<i>$1</i>", "<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>$1</span>", "<span style='text-decoration:line-through'>$1</span>", "<div style='margin:auto;text-align:center;width:100%'>$1</div>", "<span style='font-size: $1;'>$2</span>", "<a rel='nofollow' target='_blank' href='$1'>$1</a>", "<a rel='nofollow' target='_blank' href='$1'>$2</a>", "<span style='color: $1'>$2</span>", "<img src='$1' style='max-width:120px;max-height:120px;'/>", "<dl class='codebox spoiler'><dt style='cursor: pointer;'>Spoiler:</dt><dd><div class='spoiler_content'>$1</div></dd></dl>", "<dl class='codebox'><dt>Code:</dt><dd class='cont_code'><code>$1</code></dd></dl>", "<blockquote><div>$1</div></blockquote>" ] }, oHTML: { patt: [ /<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>/gi, /<i>(.*?)<\/i>/gi, /<span style="text-decoration:underline;">(.*?)<\/span>/gi, /<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">(.*?)<\/span>/gi, /<div style="margin:auto;text-align:center;width:100%">(.*?)<\/div>/gi, /<span style="font-size: (.*?);">(.*?)<\/span>/gi, /<a href="(.*?)"><\/a>/gi, /<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)<\/a>/gi, /<span style="color: (.*?)">(.*?)<\/span>/gi, ///<img(?:.*)src="(.*?)"(?:.*)>/gi, /<dl class="codebox spoiler"><dt style="cursor: pointer;">Spoiler:<\/dt><dd><div class="spoiler_content">(.*?)<\/div><\/dd><\/dl>/gi, /<dl class="codebox"><dt>Code:<\/dt><dd class="cont_code"><code>(.*?)<\/code><\/dd><\/dl>/gi, /<blockquote><div>(.*?)<\/div><\/blockquote>/gi ], bbcode: [ '[b]$1[/b]', '[i]$1[/i]', '[u]$1[/u]', '[s]$1[/s]', '[center]$1[/center]', '[size=$1]$2[/size]', '[url]"$1"[/url]', '[url="$1:
- $2[/url]', '[color:32ba=$1]$2', //'', '
- Spoiler:
- $1
- Code:
' ] }, loadSmile: function() { if (chatEdit.config.smilePopUp) { return false; } $("#divsmilies").unbind("click").bind("click", function (event) { chatEdit.showSmile(event); }); jQuery.ajax({ url: "/post?mode=smilies", cache: true, type: "get", dataType: "text", success: function(response, status, xhr) { if (xhr.status == 200) { var htmlSmile = $("<div>" + response + "</div>"); htmlSmile.find("#smilies_categ, p, span").remove(); htmlSmile.html(htmlSmile.html().replace(/insert_chatboxsmilie/g, "chatEdit.insertSmile")); var oTarget = htmlSmile.find("a"), oThis, patt, regex; for (var i = 0, len = oTarget.length; i < len; i++) { oThis = $(oTarget[i]); patt = /\('(.*?)'\)/i.exec(oThis.attr("href"))[1]; regex = new RegExp('<img[^>]+?' + oThis.find('img').attr('src') + '[^>]*>', "gi"); chatEdit.oHTML.patt.push(regex); chatEdit.oHTML.bbcode.push(patt.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&")); /*oThis.attr({ href: "#", onclick: "chatEdit.insertSmile('" + patt + "');return false;" });*/ } /*var aSmiles = [ "☎", "★", "♥", "♪", "✓", "⧉", "©", "𝒥𝒮", "█", "▓", "◯", "☆", "♣", "✗", "ℱℳ" ], sSmiles = "<p>"; for (var i = 0, len = aSmiles.length; i < len; i++) { sSmiles += "<a href='#' onclick='chatEdit.insertSmile(\"" + aSmiles[i] + "\");return false;'>" + aSmiles[i] + "</a>"; }*/ jQuery("#chat-smiles-show").html( htmlSmile.find("#simple-wrap, tbody:last").html() ); } } }); jQuery("head").append( "<style type='text/css'>" + "#chat-smiles-show {" + " background: none no-repeat scroll center center rgb(255, 255, 255);" + " border: 2px solid #d2d2d2;" + " height: 250px;" + " overflow: auto;" + " padding-top: 6px;" + " position: absolute;" + " width: 225px;" + " z-index: 99999;" + "}" + "#chat-smiles-show > p {" + " margin: 0;" + "}" + "#chat-smiles-show p a {" + " margin-bottom: 14px;" + "}" + "#chat-smiles-show a {" + " display: inline-block;" + " font-size: 18px;" + " margin-bottom: 5px;" + " margin-left: 10px;" + " text-decoration: none;" + "}" + "</style>" ); jQuery("body").append("<div id='chat-smiles-show' style='display: none;'></div>"); }, showSmile: function(event) { var elenPos = jQuery("#divsmilies"), target = jQuery("#chat-smiles-show"); target.css({ "left": (elenPos.offset().left + elenPos.outerWidth()) - target.outerWidth(), "top": elenPos.offset().top - target.outerHeight() }); return (target[0].style.display == "none") ? target.fadeIn("fast") : target.fadeOut("fast"); }, insertSmile: function(smile) { var id = document.getElementById("message"); id.focus(); id.value += " " + smile + " "; document.getElementById("chat-smiles-show").style.display = "none"; }, parseBBCode: function(data) { data = data.replace(/%0A|%5Cn/gi, "<br>"); for (var i = 0, len = chatEdit.oBBCode.patt.length; i < len; i++) { data = data.replace(chatEdit.oBBCode.patt[i], chatEdit.oBBCode.html[i]); } return data }, parseHTML: function(data) { data = data.replace(/<br>/gi, "%0A"); for (var i = 0, len = chatEdit.oHTML.patt.length; i < len; i++) { data = data.replace(chatEdit.oHTML.patt[i], chatEdit.oHTML.bbcode[i]); } return data }, editShout: function(ID, num, oThis) { var oShout = $("#chatbox .shout-" + ID), oEditor = oShout.find('.date-and-time'), oMsg = oShout.find('span.msg'); try { var sMsg = chatEdit.parseHTML(oMsg.children('span')[0].innerHTML); } catch (e) { // For unknown reasons, the above line fails for lack of span tag! var sMsg = chatEdit.parseHTML(oMsg[0].innerHTML); } if (num == 0) { var sHtml = '<span>' + ' <textarea id="edit-' + ID + '" style="width: ' + (oMsg.width() - oEditor.width()) + 'px; height: ' + oMsg.height() + 'px;vertical-align: middle;font-family: inherit;font-size: inherit;margin-top: 4px;">' + sMsg + '</textarea>' + ' <input type="submit" style="cursor: pointer;margin-right: 4px;" onclick="chatEdit.submitEdit(' + ID + ', 0, this);" value="' + chatEdit.locale.Save + '" class="button2">' + ' <a title="' + chatEdit.locale.Cancel + '" style="cursor: pointer;" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="chatEdit.submitEdit(' + ID + ', -1, this);">' + chatEdit.locale.Cancel + '</a>' + ' </span>'; oEditor.hide(); oMsg.hide().before(sHtml); } else if (num == 1 && chatEdit.iConfirm(chatEdit.locale.Remove + "\n\n" + sMsg) == 1) { chatEdit.submitEdit(ID, 1, oThis); } }, submitEdit: function(ID, num, oThis) { var p = $(oThis).closest('p'); if (num == 0) { var value = $('#edit-' + ID).val(); $('#message').val('/edit' + ID + 'Μ' + value); p.find('span.msg > span').html(chatEdit.parseBBCode(value)).show(); window.chatbox.send(); } else if (num == 1) { $('#message').val('/del' + ID + 'Μ'); $("#chatbox .shout-" + ID).remove(); window.chatbox.send(); } p.find('.date-and-time').show().end().find('span.msg').show(); $(oThis).parent().remove(); }, shake: function() { var iFrame = parent.$("#frame_chatbox"), interval = 70, distance = 10, times = 4; iFrame.css('position','relative'); for(var iter = 0; iter < (times + 1); iter++){ iFrame.animate({ left:((iter%2 == 0 ? distance : distance*-1)) }, interval); } iFrame.animate({ left: 0}, interval); }, async: function(mode) { jQuery.ajaxSetup({ async: mode }); }, iConfirm: function(text) { return (confirm(text) == true) ? true : false; } }; // "For" asynchronous loop, faster and does not lock the browser interface when you have many messages! (function($) { $.assyncFor = function(arr, limitOfMsg, callback) { var max_len = (arr.length > limitOfMsg) ? (arr.length - limitOfMsg) : 0; if (max_len < 0) { max_len = 0; } for (var i = max_len, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) { var boundCallback = callback.bind(null, i, arr[i]); setTimeout(boundCallback, i); } return this; }; }(jQuery)); Chatbox.prototype.send = function(params) { var self = this, isCMD = null, message = $('#message').val().trim(), aArray = ['/id', '/edit', '/del', '/shake', '/abs', '/away', '/clear', '/cls', '/kick', '/ban', '/unban', '/me', '/exit', '/mod', '/unmod']; for (var i = 0, len = aArray.length; i < len; ++i) { if (message.indexOf(aArray[i]) == 0) { isCMD = aArray[i]; } } switch (isCMD) { case null: $('#message').val('/id' + (Math.random() + "000000000").substr(2, 10) + 'Μ' + message); break; case '/shake': if ((chatEdit.isStorage) && (parent._userdata.user_level > 0)) { $('#message').val('/shake' + parent._userdata.user_id + 'Μ'); } break; } if (!params) { params = $('form[name=\'post\']').serialize() } var data = params + '&method=send&archives=' + this.archives; $('#message').val('').focus(); $.ajax({ url: this.actionsUrl, type: 'post', data: data, dataType: 'json', cache: false, success: function(response) { self.refresh(response) } }) }; Chatbox.prototype.refresh = function(data) { if (data.error) { $("body").html(data.error) } else { /* if (this.connected && !this.archives) { $("#chatbox_footer").css("display", "block"); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css("display", "block"); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css("visibility", "visible") } else { $("#chatbox_footer").css("display", "none"); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css("display", "none"); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css("visibility", "hidden") } */ if (this.connected) { $("#chatbox_display_archives").show(); $("#chatbox_option_co").hide(); $("#chatbox_option_disco, #chatbox_footer").show(); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css('display', 'block'); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css('visibility', 'visible'); $(".format-message").each(function() { var name = $(this).attr("name"); var value = my_getcookie("CB_" + name); $(this).prop("checked", parseInt(value) ? true : false) }); this.format(); if (data.lastModified) { this.listenParams.lastModified = data.lastModified } if (!chatEdit.interval) { $("#chatbox").empty(); chatEdit.interval = setInterval(function() { chatbox.get(); }, 5000); if (document.getElementById("chat-smiles-show") == null) { chatEdit.loadSmile(); } } } else { if (chatEdit.interval) { clearInterval(chatEdit.interval); chatEdit.interval = 0; $("#chatbox").empty(); } $("#chatbox_option_co").show(); $("#chatbox_option_disco, #chatbox_footer").hide(); $("#chatbox_display_archives").hide(); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css('display', 'none'); $("#chatbox_messenger_form").css('visibility', 'hidden'); } if (data.users) { this.users = []; $(".online-users, .away-users").empty(); $(".member-title").hide(); for (var i in data.users) { var user = data.users[i]; this.users[] = user; //var username = "<span style='color:" + user.color + "'>" + (user.admin ? "@ " : "") + "<span class='chatbox-username chatbox-user-username' data-user='" + + "' >" + user.username + "</span></span>"; var username = ""; for (var j in data.messages) { var message = data.messages[j]; if (message.userId == { if (message.user.avatar) { username = "<span class='cb-avatar'><img src='" + message.user.avatar + "' style='height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 4px;'/></span>"; } } } username += "<span style='color:" + user.color + "'>" + (user.admin ? "@ " : "") + "<span class='chatbox-username chatbox-user-username' data-user='" + + "' >" + user.username + "</span></span>"; var list = ? ".online-users" : ".away-users"; $(list).append("<li>" + username + "</li>") } if (!$(".online-users").is(":empty")) { $("").show() } if (!$(".away-users").is(":empty")) { $(".member-title.away").show() } } if (data.messages) { var scroll = !this.messages || this.messages.length != data.messages.length; this.messages = data.messages; if ( (scroll && data.messages.length == 1) || !data.connected) { $("#chatbox").empty(); } if (this.messages) { var oThis = this, // Here we save the current "this" for use inside "For" asynchronous loop! html = ""; $.assyncFor(oThis.messages, chatEdit.config.limitOfMsg, function(index, message) { // The "For" asynchronous loop... // CMD and UID... var CMD = null, UID = null; if (message.userId > 0) { CMD = message.msg.match(/([^]+)(\/[a-z]+)([0-9]+)Μ([^]+)/); } else { UID = index; } // Checks for message editions... if (CMD !== null) { /* Example: Match 1: <span style="color: #222222">/edit9125922055Μchatbox8 - Edit Messages!</span> Group 1: <span style="color: #222222"> Group 2: /edit Group 3: 9125922055 Group 4: chatbox8 - Edit Messages!</span> */ switch (CMD[2]) { case '/del': $(".shout-" + CMD[3]).remove(); break; case '/edit': $(".shout-" + CMD[3]).find('span.msg').html(CMD[1] + CMD[4]); break; case '/shake': if ( ((index + 1) == oThis.messages.length) && scroll && $('#chatbox_members span[data-user="' + message.userId + '"]').length) { if (parent._userdata.user_id !== Number(message.userId)) { setTimeout(function(){ chatEdit.shake() }, 500); } html = "<p class='chatbox_row_" + (index % 2 == 1 ? 2 : 1) + " clearfix shout-" + index + "'>" + " <span class='date-and-time' title='" + + "'>(" + message.datetime + ")</span>" + " <span class='msg'><img src='' />" + " <span style='color:" + message.user.color + "'><strong> " + message.username + " <span style='color: red'> " + chatEdit.config.shakeMsg + "</span></strong>" + " </span>" + " </span>" + "</p>"; $("#chatbox").append(html); } break; default: UID = CMD[3]; message.msg = CMD[1] + CMD[4]; CMD = null; // Reset CMD! break } } if (CMD == null) { // Here checks if there is already a message in the DOM, if already, not need to process the same message! if ( $("#chatbox .shout-" + UID).length || (chatEdit.config.Notice && message.userId == -10) ) { return false; } // Processes the message content |ClassName index| html = "<p class='chatbox_row_" + (index % 2 == 1 ? 2 : 1) + " clearfix shout-" + UID + "'>" + " <span class='date-and-time' title='" + + "'>(" + message.datetime + ")"; if (message.userId == -10) { html += "</span>" + "<span class='msg'><span style='color:" + message.msgColor + "'><strong> " + message.msg + "</strong></span></span>" } else { if ((parent._userdata.username == message.username) || (parent._userdata.user_level > 0)) { html += " <span class='editor'>" + " <img alt='Edit' style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='chatEdit.editShout(\"" + UID + "\", 0, this);' src=''> " + " <img alt='Remove' style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='chatEdit.editShout(\"" + UID + "\", 1, this);' src=''>" + " </span>"; } html += "</span>" + " <span class='user-msg'>"; if (oThis.avatar) { html += "<span class='cb-avatar'><img src='" + message.user.avatar + "' /></span>"; } html += " <span class='user' style='color:" + message.user.color + "'>" + " <strong> " + (message.user.admin ? chatEdit.config.Prefix + " " : "") + " <span class='chatbox-username chatbox-message-username' data-user='" + message.userId + "' >" + message.username + "</span> : " + " </strong>" + " </span>" + " <span class='msg'>" + message.msg + "</span>" + " </span>"; } html += "</p>"; /** * Here the "append" will not make slow the code execution since it is not within a synchronous loop, * but instead in an asynchronous loop that schedules the execution later! */ $("#chatbox").append(html); } if ((index + 1) == oThis.messages.length) { if (scroll) { $("#chatbox")[0].scrollTop = $("#chatbox").prop("scrollHeight") * 2 } } }); } } } }; if (chatEdit.config.Title.length) { $("").text(chatEdit.config.Title); } $("#chatbox_option_co, #chatbox_option_disco").bind("click", function() { $("#chatbox").empty(); }); /*if ($('#chatbox_option_disco:visible')) { chatEdit.async(false); chatbox.get(); chatEdit.async(true); }*/ parent.document.getElementById('frame_chatbox').style.visibility='visible'; if (chatEdit.config.autoLogin) { // && chatbox.connected == false) { setTimeout(function() { $('#chatbox_option_co:visible').click() // chatbox.connect(); }, 1000); } }; script.type = "text/javascript"; script.innerHTML = "$(function() { (" + chatbox_script.toString() + ")(); });"; oIframe.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); };"]$1
Re: Deletes are chat history.
Is it not in the archives (chatbox)?
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Re: Deletes are chat history.
If I understand what you are saying, this happens to all Chatboxes. Sometimes it does this, especially on mobile. All you need to do is scroll on the Chatbox or send a message and there it is.
Take Notes- Helper
- Posts : 2337
Reputation : 324
Language : English
Location : Forumountain
Re: Deletes are chat history.
You do not understand me. I say that alone chat deletes a specified time what we wrote.
Re: Deletes are chat history.
Do you mean all of the chat?smurfavr wrote:You do not understand me. I say that alone chat deletes a specified time what we wrote.
Take Notes- Helper
- Posts : 2337
Reputation : 324
Language : English
Location : Forumountain
Re: Deletes are chat history.
@smurfavr , since this is something @Jscript produced, I frankly feel like you should ask the one that created your chat. FM support staff did their best here to be of help. I really think you should ask Jscript for help in the right section: . Thank you.
Last edited by RoXaNNeX on March 19th 2016, 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Guest- Guest
Re: Deletes are chat history.
Are you saying when you are using it the messages are being deleted when you full the chatbox space?
Lost Founder's Password |Forum's Utilities |Report a Forum |General Rules |FAQ |Tricks & Tips
You need one post to send a PM.
You need one post to send a PM.
When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.
Re: Deletes are chat history.
RoXaNNeX wrote:@smurfavr , since this is something @Jscript produced, I frankly feel like you should ask the one that created your chat. FM support staff did their best here to be of help. I really think you should ask Jscript for help in the right section: . Thank you.
SLGray wrote:Guys since JScript has not been on for a ling time, it might be a good idea to wait until he returns to post your questions.
Take Notes- Helper
- Posts : 2337
Reputation : 324
Language : English
Location : Forumountain
Re: Deletes are chat history.
Exactly, and to give you a hint, it's got something to do with the 'interval' setting, but since the code Smurfavr gave isn't at all complete, I can't figure out what it is.
@ FM Staff, please pass this topic along to JScript's section. Thanks X
@ FM Staff, please pass this topic along to JScript's section. Thanks X
Guest- Guest
Re: Deletes are chat history.
I give an example.
In the chat there are 50 messages for one week and after a certain time of 45 messages disappear.
chat box code
Code chat is not all because the forum does not allow to place large size codes.
In the chat there are 50 messages for one week and after a certain time of 45 messages disappear.
chat box code
Code chat is not all because the forum does not allow to place large size codes.
Last edited by APE on March 20th 2016, 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : REMOVED LINK (LINK NOT SAFE))
Re: Deletes are chat history.
I do not believe that the chatbox stores messages forever.
Lost Founder's Password |Forum's Utilities |Report a Forum |General Rules |FAQ |Tricks & Tips
You need one post to send a PM.
You need one post to send a PM.
When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.
Re: Deletes are chat history.
If the chat is not modified messages keep more than 1-2 years.
If modified chat messages do not keep more than one month
If modified chat messages do not keep more than one month
Re: Deletes are chat history.
smurfavr wrote:I give an example.
In the chat there are 50 messages for one week and after a certain time of 45 messages disappear.
chat box code
Code chat is not all because the forum does not allow to place large size codes.
@smurfavr I Removed your link in your thread as it is seen as a PHISHING / HACKING SITE
I have looked in to the site and seen it is not safe at all.
Please Do a check on links before posting them or using them on your forums.
- We are not held responsible for any codes you add to your forum that are not made by Forumotion or its team members.
Re: Deletes are chat history.
There is no Blame on no one i just removed the URL of the site as we had a warning.
Its better safe then sorry there is no warning gave to you or any one else its just to keep others from seeing the same as we did.
Its better safe then sorry there is no warning gave to you or any one else its just to keep others from seeing the same as we did.
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