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Forum from 2007, now inactive

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Forum from 2007, now inactive Empty Forum from 2007, now inactive

Post by trev73au July 29th 2016, 4:35 am

I co-created a forum: back in 2007. I was given admin rights at the time but I since stopped using the forum. The forum has since not been active in anyway since about 2009 (last post), except for the occasional random joins by people unknown. A few years back I got a notification that the administration had changed but I did not do anything as I thought i'd just be able to leave the forum as easily as unsubbing from a mailing list. However I cannot even leave the forum as I cant log in.

I keep getting emails on the original email I used but not the founding email (a person i've not had contact with since 2009). I know therefore that the email for that account is correct, but when I click forgot password, the system wont allow me to reset my password as I get this message:

The security 'Disallow admin to send new password' is active in Admin Panel > General Admin > Security

I know I would never have set this as I often reset my passwords if I have forgotten it. I dont think the original admin would have done so either.

I have tried the alternative ways to get in and reset passwords but I was never given the initial users email used for the founding email.

I'm not worried about the forum although I have been asked by other users to have it shut down if possible, so if gaining control of the forum is not possible, can I at least get control of my own profile and leave the forum.

I tried to sort this out about a year ago but I was in a bit of a state and did not write coherantly, and it just sounded annoyed.

Snevarr (the original profile)
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Forum from 2007, now inactive Empty Re: Forum from 2007, now inactive

Post by brandon_g July 29th 2016, 4:48 am


You are not the founder then? The founder is un contactable though? If that is the case, you can put in a request to have the founder account transferred to you, in which after you are the founder, will then be able to delete the forum if that is what you choose to do with it. For more info and to persue this process, you should follow the steps in this tutorial: .


Forum from 2007, now inactive Brando10
Remember to mark your topic Forum from 2007, now inactive Solved15 when a solution is found.
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Forum from 2007, now inactive Scre1476
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Forum from 2007, now inactive Empty Re: Forum from 2007, now inactive

Post by trev73au July 29th 2016, 2:39 pm

Yes I'll have a look into this over the weekend. I know of someone who would now manage it if they had access. The admin hasnt posted since 2008, and I dont think she's even logged in. I'll go through the steps and regain access to the forum. Since I cant change my password (because of the security settings) will I need to register a new account or just a different email?

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Forum from 2007, now inactive Empty Re: Forum from 2007, now inactive

Post by brandon_g July 29th 2016, 3:36 pm

All you have to do is fill out the form on that tutorial, if the founder has not logged on in 6 months and 1 day, then you can then be transferred the founder account itself. Mainly what we would need is a new email address to use as the founder account. Smile


Forum from 2007, now inactive Brando10
Remember to mark your topic Forum from 2007, now inactive Solved15 when a solution is found.
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Forum from 2007, now inactive Scre1476
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