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Denying graphic requests if its more than two a week

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Denying graphic requests if its more than two a week Empty Denying graphic requests if its more than two a week

Post by Neko Overlord Sat 22 Oct - 21:12

I don't know if I should even post this here but I wasn't sure where else to post this.

Anyways, I want to know why there is such a rule about not being able to request more than two graphic per week. I feel it makes zero sense to put such a rule in place. Especially if someone needs a graphic done for something important by certain time but they already requested two that week and are therefore denied. There's barely ANY graphic requests unfinished in the section, so why must we all follow such a nonsensical and baseless rule? I think personally, it should be removed or possibly the limit upped if not removed.
Neko Overlord
Neko Overlord

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Denying graphic requests if its more than two a week Empty Re: Denying graphic requests if its more than two a week

Post by SLGray Sun 23 Oct - 0:36

Since this is not a support question/issue, I will lock this topic.

One of the reason for this rule is to help make the section is to manage when many members request graphics at the same time.

Denying graphic requests if its more than two a week Slgray10

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