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Ch@lo Valdez
21 posters

    Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) Empty Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 2:15

    Hi, i made this code, is a "all in one" you can do all without change the current page, works in all version.

    1.- First, crate a new javascript file in your administration panel in all pages.
    2.- In your security, you must be allow external forms

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) Captur25

    3.- You can change all:
    1 is true and 0 is false

    config: {
            reply: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            beroreunload: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //words before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400, //speed of scroll animation
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
    update 11.10.2016 16:02:40

    console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//------------ ------------//');
    console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b  ---------------------------//');
    console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //');
    var os = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400,
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            reply_words: 'You must write ',
            reply_btn_send: 'Send data...',
            notice_default: 'No predefined text',
            no_message: 'There is nothing written in the editor',
            no_subject: 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
            pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
            pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
            pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
            pm_success: 'Your message has been sent',
            placeholder: 'write something here...',
            edit_subject_placeholder: 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters',
            delete_main: 'Do you want delete the post #',
            delete_yes: 'Delete',
            delete_cancel: 'Cancel',
            edit_mode: 'Editing post #',
            quote_mode: 'Quoting post #',
            loading: 'Loading...',
            save: 'Save',
            notice_wait: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
        previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>',
        delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}',
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb');
            os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro');
            os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent;
            os.body = os.getEl('body');
            os.form = os.getEl('forms').post;
            os.b_r =;
            os.b_r_v =;
            os.textarea = os.form.message;
            os.action = os.form.action;
   = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0];
            os.b_p = os.form.preview;
            os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value;
            os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href;
            os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody';
            os.a = os.getEl('a');
            os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
        buttons: function (a) {
            var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false',
                c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false',
                d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false',
                e = ', \'preview\');return false',
                f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false',
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b);
                os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c);
                os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d);
            os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e);
            os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f);
        get: function (c, d) {
            os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c;
            var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0],
                b = os.post_number(os.url_universal),
                f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x;
            os.XML('', os.url_universal, function (e) {
                x = e.responseXML;
                switch (a) {
                case 'editpost':
                    f =;
                    m = os.getEl('.post--' + b);
                    g = os.cr_el('input');
                    g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject';
                    g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder;
           = 'subject';
           = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px';
                    g.value =;
                    !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,;
                    os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0];
                    m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important');
                    os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false');
                    os.encode_edit = os.serialize(;
                    os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b;
                    os.b_r.value =;
                    os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false');
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                case 'quote':
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                    f =;
                    h = os.sceditor.val();
                    os.sceditor.val(h + f);
                    os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false');
                case 'viewtopic':
                    k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0];
           = 'none';
                    k.className += ' new_ajax_post';
                    j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0];
                    'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k));
                    'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed));
                    os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true');
        post: function (e, o) {
            var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h;
            os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function (e) {
                i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox'
                }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = r
                }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove())
            })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v))
        refresh: function (c, d) {
            c.value = d;
   = '';
        overlay: function (c) {
            var a = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13';
   = 'overlay';
            'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c);
        create_preview: function () {
            var m = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;';
   = 'preview_content';
            m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML;
        set_delete: function (f) {
            var d, b, c;
            b = os.cr_el('div');
            c = os.cr_el('style');
            b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>';
   = 'confirm_wrap';
   = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%';
            c.innerHTML = os.delete_style;
            c.type = 'text/css';
   = 'd_style';
            !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c);
            d = os.getEl('#yes');
        set_post: function (h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.scroll(h, os.config.speed);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        notice: function (c, f, h) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = os.getEl('.notice_reply');
            b =;
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c;
   = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f;
            'false' != h && setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, os.config.time);
        fadeIn: function (a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function () {
                    e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
                }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
        fadeOut: function (o, e) {
            if (o)
                if (e) var s = 1,
                    t = setInterval(function () {
                        s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')'
                    }, 50);
                else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden'
        close: function (c) {
            var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'),
                b = os.getEl('#overlay');
        scroll: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.getTop(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var a = os.sceditor;
            a && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                if (a.val().length) {
                    return 'ok'
        easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        position: function (o, e, s, t) {
            return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t)
        getTop: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        viewtopic: function (h) {
            var i, g = os.getEl('a', h);
            for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        post_number: function (c) {
            return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        cr_el: function (o, e) {
            var t = document.createElement(o);
            if (e) {
                for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]);
            return t
        getEl: function (o, e) {
            e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document;
            switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) {
            case '#':
                return e.getElementById(o.substr(1));
            case '.':
                return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1));
            case '*':
                return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1));
            case 'body':
                return e.body;
            case 'head':
                return e.head;
            case 'forms':
                return e.forms;
                return e.getElementsByTagName(o)
    $(function () {
        $(function () {
            (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init()

    Please see my demo:


    Last edited by Ch@lo Valdez on Tue 22 Nov 2016 - 6:36; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : minor fixes)
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    Post by SarkZKalie Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 10:22

    Brilliant, man! This nice script works perfect in my page, except I must refresh the page to see my new quick reply :v Quote, delete and create new post, you know, I can't see any problem w them Very Happy

    I think it would be great if it could prevent users from making duplicate posts, double posts or spam. Example : hide quick reply for A user only till someone else - B user post a new reply.

    P/S: Is it possible to make vote buttons can work like them? I mean vote up and vote down (so greedy but it could be an idea) Very Happy.
    Ace 1
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    Post by Ace 1 Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 12:17

    This is amazing @Ch@lo Valdez. You created fully asynchronous posting features.

    Now without the jQuery Wink
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 13:16

    SarkZKalie wrote:Brilliant, man! This nice script works perfect in my page, except I must refresh the page to see my new quick reply :v Quote, delete and create new post, you know, I can't see any problem w them Very Happy

    I think it would be great if it could prevent users from making duplicate posts, double posts or spam. Example : hide quick reply for A user only till someone else - B user post a new reply.

    P/S: Is it possible to make vote buttons can work like them? I mean vote up and vote down (so greedy but it could be an idea) Very Happy.

    yes i can do a vote system, and prevent spam post too

    btw in your forum have a lot of errors with others js:

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token }

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'left' of undefined
    /99508.js:1:1863 String.() Function.each()
    /99508.js:1:1382 HTMLBodyElement.() Function.each() init.each()
    /99508.js:1:1088 init.$.fn.scrollTo()
    /99508.js:1:10291 HTMLSpanElement.() HTMLSpanElement.dispatch() HTMLSpanElement.i() Object.trigger()

    Ace 1 wrote:This is amazing @Ch@lo Valdez. You created fully asynchronous posting features.

    Now without the jQuery Wink
    thanks @Ace 1 This idea took me about 6 months to develop

    Ace 1
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    Post by Ace 1 Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 18:15

    Two things:

    1: The Edit doesn't seem to work. I've tried it, and it returns "Try again" every time. I have valid permissions to edit messages.

    2: It would be pretty cool if in the preview it shows the user's postprofile on the left-hand side.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 18:19

    thanks for share this issues

    please let me see in your forum this edit error in my test forums I have no error
    Ace 1
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    Post by Ace 1 Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 18:28

    I've pmed you some credentials.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 19:28

    @Ace 1 is important allow external forms, please test again, it's work now

    Ace 1
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    Post by Ace 1 Tue 1 Nov 2016 - 19:55

    Oh. I never really enabled it and it seemed to be working with your original AJAX Editor.

    Thanks lol.
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    Post by SarkZKalie Fri 4 Nov 2016 - 7:54

    That so strange, cuz I dun know where it is :v not from my javascripts :v
    EDIT : ah I found it!
    <script src="{JQUERY_PATH}" type="text/javascript"></script>

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    Post by udarsha45 Fri 4 Nov 2016 - 14:10

    Unfortunately this code isn't working for my site for some reason...
    Ch@lo Valdez
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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Fri 4 Nov 2016 - 16:59

    udarsha45 wrote:Unfortunately this code isn't working for my site for some reason...

    if your forum has the original templetes, should work

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    Post by Str0ng Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 20:31

    In the full reply.. it does not let me send the message. It says that "You must specify a subject for your message" and if I do it.. it keeps saying it!

    Also, is possible to also refresh the data on the profile of the user (without refresh) when you sent a message? I use some BBCODEs there that were coded with html and they do not show until I refresh the whole page once published the message.

    TY! Very Happy
    Awesome code by the way!!
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 20:35

    if your forum is in spanish, maybe need change all lang sentence. if you need spanish version send me pm

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    Post by Ape Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 21:27

    Hello good work :0 i have one problem thou when i click post a reply it comes up telling me to add a topic title even thou it has one already made by the first post and the red bar keep coming up no matter if i add a code or text in or not

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 21:30

    @APE please let me see in your forum, send me pm with a test account and url of course

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    Post by Ape Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 21:35

    Removed the test account until you are back on and i have also removed the code until its fixed

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 22:31

    @APE i'm here
    btw you change this part on security ?

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    Post by Ape Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 22:34

    yes i have see
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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 22:38

    you can test in my test forum if you want



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    Post by Ape Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 22:40

    its really strange the rest of it works fine its just my post reply it shows this
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    and in the ACP i have turned off the change the Title system to off and it still shows in the post reply but if i remove the code you made it goes away

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 22:41

    post reply in full editor?

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    Post by Ape Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 22:53

    This is how i do it

    I click on post a reply the window then comes up all as it should it then shows the Title bar over the top of the editor tools.

    I then type in the box 6 words and then press send

    it then comes up with the red bar saying i need to add a title but the sites first post has already a title its just a reply that im trying to post

    if i post in a Quick reply it works fine with no problem at all.

    this only comes up in the full editor.

    can you not just remove the setting to find that part of the forum code ?

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 22:55

    yes is a wrong condition, i fixed in a minutes

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    Post by Ape Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 23:00

    Okay i will hold on until you have fixed this and will try again after your reply here Smile

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 23:03

    @APE please remove and add the new code in first post, thanks for testing

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    Post by Ape Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 23:07

    Yes that fixed it i will have to play about with the loading text part as i don't like it like that but its somethig i can fox i think Smile good work Smile 10 / 10 for the code good job

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 23:13

    @APE please be careful with some sentences, the code search in the dom a few for return errors like this:


    success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
     flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
    pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
            pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
            pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
            pm_success: 'Your message has been sent'

    in next version i fix all this issues, and add options like votes system, and bbcodes.

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    Post by Walt Sun 20 Nov 2016 - 15:03

    Great job @Ch@lo Valdez, we are doing something similar on the French support (but less advanced) as a tuto. I've been doing this for a few weeks now, it probably will release before the end of the year Smile

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    Post by Ape Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 21:31

    okay now i have found a new problem

    in my ACP i have set the titles to 3 but when using this it makes me add 10 or more letters is there away to add a code so we can pick the number of letters so it's less ?

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