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Hardcore Gamer
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Ch@lo Valdez
21 posters

    Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez November 1st 2016, 2:15 am

    First topic message reminder :

    Hi, i made this code, is a "all in one" you can do all without change the current page, works in all version.

    1.- First, crate a new javascript file in your administration panel in all pages.
    2.- In your security, you must be allow external forms

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Captur25

    3.- You can change all:
    1 is true and 0 is false

    config: {
            reply: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            beroreunload: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //words before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400, //speed of scroll animation
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
    update 11.10.2016 16:02:40

    console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//------------ ------------//');
    console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b  ---------------------------//');
    console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //');
    var os = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400,
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            reply_words: 'You must write ',
            reply_btn_send: 'Send data...',
            notice_default: 'No predefined text',
            no_message: 'There is nothing written in the editor',
            no_subject: 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
            pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
            pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
            pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
            pm_success: 'Your message has been sent',
            placeholder: 'write something here...',
            edit_subject_placeholder: 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters',
            delete_main: 'Do you want delete the post #',
            delete_yes: 'Delete',
            delete_cancel: 'Cancel',
            edit_mode: 'Editing post #',
            quote_mode: 'Quoting post #',
            loading: 'Loading...',
            save: 'Save',
            notice_wait: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
        previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>',
        delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}',
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb');
            os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro');
            os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent;
            os.body = os.getEl('body');
            os.form = os.getEl('forms').post;
            os.b_r =;
            os.b_r_v =;
            os.textarea = os.form.message;
            os.action = os.form.action;
   = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0];
            os.b_p = os.form.preview;
            os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value;
            os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href;
            os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody';
            os.a = os.getEl('a');
            os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
        buttons: function (a) {
            var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false',
                c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false',
                d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false',
                e = ', \'preview\');return false',
                f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false',
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b);
                os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c);
                os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d);
            os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e);
            os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f);
        get: function (c, d) {
            os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c;
            var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0],
                b = os.post_number(os.url_universal),
                f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x;
            os.XML('', os.url_universal, function (e) {
                x = e.responseXML;
                switch (a) {
                case 'editpost':
                    f =;
                    m = os.getEl('.post--' + b);
                    g = os.cr_el('input');
                    g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject';
                    g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder;
           = 'subject';
           = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px';
                    g.value =;
                    !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,;
                    os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0];
                    m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important');
                    os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false');
                    os.encode_edit = os.serialize(;
                    os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b;
                    os.b_r.value =;
                    os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false');
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                case 'quote':
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                    f =;
                    h = os.sceditor.val();
                    os.sceditor.val(h + f);
                    os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false');
                case 'viewtopic':
                    k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0];
           = 'none';
                    k.className += ' new_ajax_post';
                    j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0];
                    'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k));
                    'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed));
                    os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true');
        post: function (e, o) {
            var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h;
            os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function (e) {
                i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox'
                }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = r
                }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove())
            })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v))
        refresh: function (c, d) {
            c.value = d;
   = '';
        overlay: function (c) {
            var a = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13';
   = 'overlay';
            'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c);
        create_preview: function () {
            var m = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;';
   = 'preview_content';
            m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML;
        set_delete: function (f) {
            var d, b, c;
            b = os.cr_el('div');
            c = os.cr_el('style');
            b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>';
   = 'confirm_wrap';
   = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%';
            c.innerHTML = os.delete_style;
            c.type = 'text/css';
   = 'd_style';
            !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c);
            d = os.getEl('#yes');
        set_post: function (h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.scroll(h, os.config.speed);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        notice: function (c, f, h) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = os.getEl('.notice_reply');
            b =;
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c;
   = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f;
            'false' != h && setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, os.config.time);
        fadeIn: function (a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function () {
                    e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
                }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
        fadeOut: function (o, e) {
            if (o)
                if (e) var s = 1,
                    t = setInterval(function () {
                        s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')'
                    }, 50);
                else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden'
        close: function (c) {
            var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'),
                b = os.getEl('#overlay');
        scroll: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.getTop(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var a = os.sceditor;
            a && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                if (a.val().length) {
                    return 'ok'
        easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        position: function (o, e, s, t) {
            return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t)
        getTop: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        viewtopic: function (h) {
            var i, g = os.getEl('a', h);
            for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        post_number: function (c) {
            return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        cr_el: function (o, e) {
            var t = document.createElement(o);
            if (e) {
                for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]);
            return t
        getEl: function (o, e) {
            e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document;
            switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) {
            case '#':
                return e.getElementById(o.substr(1));
            case '.':
                return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1));
            case '*':
                return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1));
            case 'body':
                return e.body;
            case 'head':
                return e.head;
            case 'forms':
                return e.forms;
                return e.getElementsByTagName(o)
    $(function () {
        $(function () {
            (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init()

    Please see my demo:


    Last edited by Ch@lo Valdez on November 22nd 2016, 6:36 am; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : minor fixes)
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez January 19th 2017, 6:11 am

    let me work, 3 words in titles?

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ape January 19th 2017, 12:05 pm

    3 letters like
    the thing is its saying add 10 letters to make a title and for some things its to much
    update is only 6 letters welcome ape is 10

    #if i type in Hello all it's only 8 and it will not let me post.

    in the ACP you can set the title from 0 to 255 and i have it set to 1 and your code over rides that setting in the ACP.

    is there away to change the setting so it uses the ACP setting or make it so it uses less say 5 or more?

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Left1212quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Center11quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Right112
    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Ape_b110
    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Ape1010
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez January 19th 2017, 4:51 pm

    console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//------------ ------------//');
    console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b  ---------------------------//');
    console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //');
    var os = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply
            subjectLength: 3, //min letters in subject input
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400,
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            reply_words: 'You must write ',
            reply_btn_send: 'Send data...',
            notice_default: 'No predefined text',
            no_message: 'There is nothing written in the editor',
            no_subject: 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
            pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
            pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
            pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
            pm_success: 'Your message has been sent',
            placeholder: 'write something here...',
            edit_subject_placeholder: 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters',
            delete_main: 'Do you want delete the post #',
            delete_yes: 'Delete',
            delete_cancel: 'Cancel',
            edit_mode: 'Editing post #',
            quote_mode: 'Quoting post #',
            loading: 'Loading...',
            save: 'Save',
            notice_wait: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
        previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>',
        delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}',
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb');
            os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro');
            os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent;
            os.body = os.getEl('body');
            os.form = os.getEl('forms').post;
            os.b_r =;
            os.b_r_v =;
            os.textarea = os.form.message;
            os.action = os.form.action;
   = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0];
            os.b_p = os.form.preview;
            os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value;
            os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href;
            os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody';
            os.a = os.getEl('a');
            os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
        buttons: function (a) {
            var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false',
                c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false',
                d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false',
                e = ', \'preview\');return false',
                f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false',
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b);
                os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c);
                os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d);
            os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e);
            os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f);
        get: function (c, d) {
            os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c;
            var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0],
                b = os.post_number(os.url_universal),
                f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x;
            os.XML('', os.url_universal, function (e) {
                x = e.responseXML;
                switch (a) {
                case 'editpost':
                    f =;
                    m = os.getEl('.post--' + b);
                    g = os.cr_el('input');
                    g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject';
                    g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder;
           = 'subject';
           = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px';
                    g.value =;
                    !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,;
                    os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0];
                    m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important');
                    os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false');
                    os.encode_edit = os.serialize(;
                    os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b;
                    os.b_r.value =;
                    os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false');
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                case 'quote':
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                    f =;
                    h = os.sceditor.val();
                    os.sceditor.val(h + f);
                    os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false');
                case 'viewtopic':
                    k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0];
           = 'none';
                    k.className += ' new_ajax_post';
                    j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0];
                    'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k));
                    'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed));
                    os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true');
        post: function (e, o) {
            var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h;
            os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= os.config.subjectLength || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function (e) {
                i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox'
                }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = r
                }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove())
            })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v))
        refresh: function (c, d) {
            c.value = d;
   = '';
        overlay: function (c) {
            var a = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13';
   = 'overlay';
            'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c);
        create_preview: function () {
            var m = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;';
   = 'preview_content';
            m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML;
        set_delete: function (f) {
            var d, b, c;
            b = os.cr_el('div');
            c = os.cr_el('style');
            b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>';
   = 'confirm_wrap';
   = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%';
            c.innerHTML = os.delete_style;
            c.type = 'text/css';
   = 'd_style';
            !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c);
            d = os.getEl('#yes');
        set_post: function (h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.scroll(h, os.config.speed);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        notice: function (c, f, h) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = os.getEl('.notice_reply');
            b =;
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c;
   = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f;
            'false' != h && setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, os.config.time);
        fadeIn: function (a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function () {
                    e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
                }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
        fadeOut: function (o, e) {
            if (o)
                if (e) var s = 1,
                    t = setInterval(function () {
                        s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')'
                    }, 50);
                else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden'
        close: function (c) {
            var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'),
                b = os.getEl('#overlay');
        scroll: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.getTop(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var a = os.sceditor;
            a && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                if (a.val().length) {
                    return 'ok'
        easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        position: function (o, e, s, t) {
            return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t)
        getTop: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        viewtopic: function (h) {
            var i, g = os.getEl('a', h);
            for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        post_number: function (c) {
            return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        cr_el: function (o, e) {
            var t = document.createElement(o);
            if (e) {
                for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]);
            return t
        getEl: function (o, e) {
            e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document;
            switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) {
            case '#':
                return e.getElementById(o.substr(1));
            case '.':
                return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1));
            case '*':
                return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1));
            case 'body':
                return e.body;
            case 'head':
                return e.head;
            case 'forms':
                return e.forms;
                return e.getElementsByTagName(o)
    $(function () {
        $(function () {
            (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init()
    Active Poster

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    Location : Mexico

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by YoshiGM January 19th 2017, 9:23 pm

    You made it again Ch@lo !
    All your codes are awesome and very useful.

    Thank you for sharing it Wink

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ape January 19th 2017, 10:38 pm


    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Left1212quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Center11quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Right112
    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Ape_b110
    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Ape1010
    Harry Jackson
    Harry Jackson
    New Member

    Posts : 10
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    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Harry Jackson January 23rd 2017, 9:24 am

    Ch@lo Valdez wrote:
    console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//------------ ------------//');
    console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b  ---------------------------//');
    console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //');
    var os = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply
            subjectLength: 3, //min letters in subject input
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400,
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            reply_words: 'You must write ',
            reply_btn_send: 'Send data...',
            notice_default: 'No predefined text',
            no_message: 'There is nothing written in the editor',
            no_subject: 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
            pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
            pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
            pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
            pm_success: 'Your message has been sent',
            placeholder: 'write something here...',
            edit_subject_placeholder: 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters',
            delete_main: 'Do you want delete the post #',
            delete_yes: 'Delete',
            delete_cancel: 'Cancel',
            edit_mode: 'Editing post #',
            quote_mode: 'Quoting post #',
            loading: 'Loading...',
            save: 'Save',
            notice_wait: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
        previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>',
        delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}',
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb');
            os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro');
            os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent;
            os.body = os.getEl('body');
            os.form = os.getEl('forms').post;
            os.b_r =;
            os.b_r_v =;
            os.textarea = os.form.message;
            os.action = os.form.action;
   = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0];
            os.b_p = os.form.preview;
            os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value;
            os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href;
            os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody';
            os.a = os.getEl('a');
            os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
        buttons: function (a) {
            var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false',
                c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false',
                d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false',
                e = ', \'preview\');return false',
                f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false',
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b);
                os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c);
                os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d);
            os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e);
            os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f);
        get: function (c, d) {
            os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c;
            var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0],
                b = os.post_number(os.url_universal),
                f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x;
            os.XML('', os.url_universal, function (e) {
                x = e.responseXML;
                switch (a) {
                case 'editpost':
                    f =;
                    m = os.getEl('.post--' + b);
                    g = os.cr_el('input');
                    g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject';
                    g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder;
           = 'subject';
           = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px';
                    g.value =;
                    !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,;
                    os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0];
                    m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important');
                    os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false');
                    os.encode_edit = os.serialize(;
                    os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b;
                    os.b_r.value =;
                    os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false');
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                case 'quote':
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                    f =;
                    h = os.sceditor.val();
                    os.sceditor.val(h + f);
                    os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false');
                case 'viewtopic':
                    k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0];
           = 'none';
                    k.className += ' new_ajax_post';
                    j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0];
                    'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k));
                    'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed));
                    os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true');
        post: function (e, o) {
            var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h;
            os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= os.config.subjectLength || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function (e) {
                i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox'
                }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = r
                }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove())
            })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v))
        refresh: function (c, d) {
            c.value = d;
   = '';
        overlay: function (c) {
            var a = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13';
   = 'overlay';
            'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c);
        create_preview: function () {
            var m = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;';
   = 'preview_content';
            m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML;
        set_delete: function (f) {
            var d, b, c;
            b = os.cr_el('div');
            c = os.cr_el('style');
            b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>';
   = 'confirm_wrap';
   = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%';
            c.innerHTML = os.delete_style;
            c.type = 'text/css';
   = 'd_style';
            !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c);
            d = os.getEl('#yes');
        set_post: function (h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.scroll(h, os.config.speed);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        notice: function (c, f, h) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = os.getEl('.notice_reply');
            b =;
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c;
   = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f;
            'false' != h && setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, os.config.time);
        fadeIn: function (a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function () {
                    e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
                }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
        fadeOut: function (o, e) {
            if (o)
                if (e) var s = 1,
                    t = setInterval(function () {
                        s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')'
                    }, 50);
                else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden'
        close: function (c) {
            var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'),
                b = os.getEl('#overlay');
        scroll: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.getTop(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var a = os.sceditor;
            a && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                if (a.val().length) {
                    return 'ok'
        easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        position: function (o, e, s, t) {
            return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t)
        getTop: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        viewtopic: function (h) {
            var i, g = os.getEl('a', h);
            for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        post_number: function (c) {
            return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        cr_el: function (o, e) {
            var t = document.createElement(o);
            if (e) {
                for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]);
            return t
        getEl: function (o, e) {
            e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document;
            switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) {
            case '#':
                return e.getElementById(o.substr(1));
            case '.':
                return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1));
            case '*':
                return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1));
            case 'body':
                return e.body;
            case 'head':
                return e.head;
            case 'forms':
                return e.forms;
                return e.getElementsByTagName(o)
    $(function () {
        $(function () {
            (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init()
    I'm sorry but there's something wrong when I use this code for my forum. When I type my messages on the quick reply box and click "send", it always says "Try again" and my messages are still not posted. However, when I refresh the page, I see that they've already been posted. Please help me fix this Sad

    P/S: I've already allowed unofficial forms to post messages and private messages on my forum in the security section.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez January 23rd 2017, 6:28 pm

    @Harry Jackson your forum language is english?

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Guest January 23rd 2017, 6:53 pm

    I did not try the code but there is a small error on line 7 or 8, depending which code posted here

    "beroreunload: 1,"

    should be 

    "beforeunload: 1,"
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez January 24th 2017, 1:09 am

    Meesleepbeest wrote:I did not try the code but there is a small error on line 7 or 8, depending which code posted here

    "beroreunload: 1,"

    should be 

    "beforeunload: 1,"

    yes you right
    Harry Jackson
    Harry Jackson
    New Member

    Posts : 10
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English and Vietnamese

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    Post by Harry Jackson January 24th 2017, 6:36 am

    Ch@lo Valdez wrote:@Harry Jackson your forum language is english?
    No, it isn't. It's Vietnamese.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez January 26th 2017, 2:17 pm

    Harry Jackson wrote:
    Ch@lo Valdez wrote:@Harry Jackson your forum language is english?
    No, it isn't. It's Vietnamese.

    my code was made for english version, in lang section you can replace this lines
    Harry Jackson
    Harry Jackson
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    Posts : 10
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English and Vietnamese

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    Post by Harry Jackson January 26th 2017, 2:55 pm

    Which lines, mate?
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez January 26th 2017, 3:42 pm

    all in lang section, read please, in my code you can read why not work in your forum
    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Captur14
    Harry Jackson
    Harry Jackson
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    Posts : 10
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English and Vietnamese

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    Post by Harry Jackson January 26th 2017, 4:29 pm

    Thank you very much. I've changed what you said and now it works really well on my forum. Thanks a lot for your help quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 1f600
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez January 26th 2017, 11:50 pm

    you need see this part in your forum and copy and peaste this line

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Captur15
    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
    Reputation : 64
    Language : English - French?
    Location : Druid Hill Park

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    Post by Ace 1 February 1st 2017, 7:36 am

    @Ch@lo Valdez I got these errors on my forum:

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 E43b1c9c48044f20ada1422b4627afab

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 E32bbbf1c86642f99d0803b1ee7b79ca

    EDIT: After reviewing your code once again for one hundred times, I found the problem. Line 69 of your code:

    os.b_p = os.form.preview;

    should be replaced with this:

    os.b_p = os.form.message;

    And when someone uses the edit feature to change the post title, you must refresh the page in order to see it's changed (it's not ajax). Otherwise, nice improvement since before! I like messing around with your code o.o
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez February 1st 2017, 3:39 pm

    no, os.b_p = button preview, maybe you have other erros, or any var is not present on the HTML tree.

    using this forum on console, there are no error see

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Captur15
    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
    Reputation : 64
    Language : English - French?
    Location : Druid Hill Park

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    Post by Ace 1 February 1st 2017, 4:20 pm

    OH the PREVIEW button. One of my scripts removed it.

    In any case, try changing the next line to this:

    os.b_p_v = os.b_p ? os.b_p.value : '';

    And also:

    Ace 1 wrote:And when someone uses the edit feature to change the post title, you must refresh the page in order to see it's changed (it's not ajax). Otherwise, nice improvement since before! I like messing around with your code o.o
    Active Poster

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    Post by smurfavr February 18th 2017, 12:56 pm

    1. When ticked, IIn all the pages, the code stops working.
    2. When ticked, IIn the topics does not work delete button.
    3. Can I remove my code lines for personal Message. I do not want
      code pm.
    console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//------------ ------------//');
    console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b  ---------------------------//');
    console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //');
    var os = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 0, //min words in the textarea before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400,
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Съобщението е изпратено успешно', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood контрола е активен в този форум, моля изчакайте 10 секунди, преди да пишете отново.',
            newpost: 'Съобщението е публикувано.',
            error_reply: 'Опитай пак',
            reply_words: 'You must write ',
            reply_btn_send: 'Изпраща се...',
            notice_default: 'Няма предварително зададен текст',
            no_message: 'Няма нищо написано в редактора.',
            no_subject: 'Трябва да посочите тема за съобщението..',
            pm_error_a: 'Трябва да посочите име, на което да се изпрати това. съобщение.',
            pm_error_b: 'Този или тези потребител (и) не съществуват.',
            pm_error_c: 'Вие не може да публикувате толкова скоро след вашето последно съобщение.',
            pm_success: 'Вашето съобщение е изпратено.',
            placeholder: 'Трябва да въведете текст..',
            edit_subject_placeholder: 'Дължината на заглавието на тази тема трябва да бъде в границите между 5 и 255 знака.',
            delete_main: 'Искате ли да изтриете поста? #',
            delete_yes: 'Изтрий',
            delete_cancel: 'Отказ',
            edit_mode: 'Редакция пост #',
            quote_mode: 'Цитат #',
            loading: 'Зареждане...',
            save: 'Запазване.',
            notice_wait: 'Съобщението се изпраща.',
        previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>',
        delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}',
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb');
            os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro');
            os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent;
            os.body = os.getEl('body');
            os.form = os.getEl('forms').post;
            os.b_r =;
            os.b_r_v =;
            os.textarea = os.form.message;
            os.action = os.form.action;
   = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0];
            os.b_p = os.form.preview;
            os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value;
            os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href;
            os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody';
            os.a = os.getEl('a');
            os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
        buttons: function (a) {
            var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false',
                c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false',
                d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false',
                e = ', \'preview\');return false',
                f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false',
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b);
                os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c);
                os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d);
            os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e);
            os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f);
        get: function (c, d) {
            os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c;
            var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0],
                b = os.post_number(os.url_universal),
                f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x;
            os.XML('', os.url_universal, function (e) {
                x = e.responseXML;
                switch (a) {
                case 'editpost':
                    f =;
                    m = os.getEl('.post--' + b);
                    g = os.cr_el('input');
                    g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject';
                    g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder;
           = 'subject';
           = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px';
                    g.value =;
                    !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,;
                    os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0];
                    m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important');
                    os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false');
                    os.encode_edit = os.serialize(;
                    os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b;
                    os.b_r.value =;
                    os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false');
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                case 'quote':
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                    f =;
                    h = os.sceditor.val();
                    os.sceditor.val(h + f);
                    os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false');
                case 'viewtopic':
                    k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0];
           = 'none';
                    k.className += ' new_ajax_post';
                    j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0];
                    'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k));
                    'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed));
                    os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true');
        post: function (e, o) {
            var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h;
            os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function (e) {
                i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox'
                }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = r
                }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove())
            })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v))
        refresh: function (c, d) {
            c.value = d;
   = '';
        overlay: function (c) {
            var a = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13';
   = 'overlay';
            'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c);
        create_preview: function () {
            var m = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;';
   = 'preview_content';
            m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML;
        set_delete: function (f) {
            var d, b, c;
            b = os.cr_el('div');
            c = os.cr_el('style');
            b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>';
   = 'confirm_wrap';
   = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%';
            c.innerHTML = os.delete_style;
            c.type = 'text/css';
   = 'd_style';
            !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c);
            d = os.getEl('#yes');
        set_post: function (h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.scroll(h, os.config.speed);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        notice: function (c, f, h) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = os.getEl('.notice_reply');
            b =;
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c;
   = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f;
            'false' != h && setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, os.config.time);
        fadeIn: function (a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function () {
                    e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
                }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
        fadeOut: function (o, e) {
            if (o)
                if (e) var s = 1,
                    t = setInterval(function () {
                        s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')'
                    }, 50);
                else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden'
        close: function (c) {
            var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'),
                b = os.getEl('#overlay');
        scroll: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
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            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.getTop(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var a = os.sceditor;
            a && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                if (a.val().length) {
                    return 'ok'
        easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        position: function (o, e, s, t) {
            return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t)
        getTop: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        viewtopic: function (h) {
            var i, g = os.getEl('a', h);
            for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        post_number: function (c) {
            return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        cr_el: function (o, e) {
            var t = document.createElement(o);
            if (e) {
                for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]);
            return t
        getEl: function (o, e) {
            e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document;
            switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) {
            case '#':
                return e.getElementById(o.substr(1));
            case '.':
                return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1));
            case '*':
                return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1));
            case 'body':
                return e.body;
            case 'head':
                return e.head;
            case 'forms':
                return e.forms;
                return e.getElementsByTagName(o)
    $(function () {
        $(function () {
            (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init()

    4. Can I remove my code limit what I've shown in the image. (soloved)

    Last edited by smurfavr on February 19th 2017, 7:14 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ape February 18th 2017, 7:28 pm

    The words part change the number 5 in this part to 0
    letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Left1212quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Center11quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Right112
    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Ape_b110
    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Ape1010
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1881
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by smurfavr February 28th 2017, 5:28 pm

    smurfavr wrote:1. When ticked, IIn all the pages, the code stops working.
    2. When ticked, IIn the topics does not work delete button.
    3. Can I remove my code lines for personal Message. I do not want
      code pm.
    console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//------------ ------------//');
    console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b  ---------------------------//');
    console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //');
    var os = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 0, //min words in the textarea before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400,
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Съобщението е изпратено успешно', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood контрола е активен в този форум, моля изчакайте 10 секунди, преди да пишете отново.',
            newpost: 'Съобщението е публикувано.',
            error_reply: 'Опитай пак',
            reply_words: 'You must write ',
            reply_btn_send: 'Изпраща се...',
            notice_default: 'Няма предварително зададен текст',
            no_message: 'Няма нищо написано в редактора.',
            no_subject: 'Трябва да посочите тема за съобщението..',
            pm_error_a: 'Трябва да посочите име, на което да се изпрати това. съобщение.',
            pm_error_b: 'Този или тези потребител (и) не съществуват.',
            pm_error_c: 'Вие не може да публикувате толкова скоро след вашето последно съобщение.',
            pm_success: 'Вашето съобщение е изпратено.',
            placeholder: 'Трябва да въведете текст..',
            edit_subject_placeholder: 'Дължината на заглавието на тази тема трябва да бъде в границите между 5 и 255 знака.',
            delete_main: 'Искате ли да изтриете поста? #',
            delete_yes: 'Изтрий',
            delete_cancel: 'Отказ',
            edit_mode: 'Редакция пост #',
            quote_mode: 'Цитат #',
            loading: 'Зареждане...',
            save: 'Запазване.',
            notice_wait: 'Съобщението се изпраща.',
        previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>',
        delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}',
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb');
            os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro');
            os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent;
            os.body = os.getEl('body');
            os.form = os.getEl('forms').post;
            os.b_r =;
            os.b_r_v =;
            os.textarea = os.form.message;
            os.action = os.form.action;
   = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0];
            os.b_p = os.form.preview;
            os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value;
            os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href;
            os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody';
            os.a = os.getEl('a');
            os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
        buttons: function (a) {
            var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false',
                c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false',
                d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false',
                e = ', \'preview\');return false',
                f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false',
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b);
                os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c);
                os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d);
            os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e);
            os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f);
        get: function (c, d) {
            os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c;
            var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0],
                b = os.post_number(os.url_universal),
                f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x;
            os.XML('', os.url_universal, function (e) {
                x = e.responseXML;
                switch (a) {
                case 'editpost':
                    f =;
                    m = os.getEl('.post--' + b);
                    g = os.cr_el('input');
                    g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject';
                    g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder;
           = 'subject';
           = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px';
                    g.value =;
                    !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,;
                    os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0];
                    m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important');
                    os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false');
                    os.encode_edit = os.serialize(;
                    os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b;
                    os.b_r.value =;
                    os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false');
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                case 'quote':
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                    f =;
                    h = os.sceditor.val();
                    os.sceditor.val(h + f);
                    os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false');
                case 'viewtopic':
                    k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0];
           = 'none';
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                    j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0];
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                    'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed));
                    os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true');
        post: function (e, o) {
            var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h;
            os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function (e) {
                i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox'
                }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = r
                }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove())
            })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v))
        refresh: function (c, d) {
            c.value = d;
   = '';
        overlay: function (c) {
            var a = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13';
   = 'overlay';
            'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c);
        create_preview: function () {
            var m = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;';
   = 'preview_content';
            m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML;
        set_delete: function (f) {
            var d, b, c;
            b = os.cr_el('div');
            c = os.cr_el('style');
            b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>';
   = 'confirm_wrap';
   = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%';
            c.innerHTML = os.delete_style;
            c.type = 'text/css';
   = 'd_style';
            !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c);
            d = os.getEl('#yes');
        set_post: function (h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.scroll(h, os.config.speed);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        notice: function (c, f, h) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = os.getEl('.notice_reply');
            b =;
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c;
   = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f;
            'false' != h && setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, os.config.time);
        fadeIn: function (a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function () {
                    e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
                }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
        fadeOut: function (o, e) {
            if (o)
                if (e) var s = 1,
                    t = setInterval(function () {
                        s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')'
                    }, 50);
                else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden'
        close: function (c) {
            var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'),
                b = os.getEl('#overlay');
        scroll: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.getTop(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var a = os.sceditor;
            a && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                if (a.val().length) {
                    return 'ok'
        easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        position: function (o, e, s, t) {
            return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t)
        getTop: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        viewtopic: function (h) {
            var i, g = os.getEl('a', h);
            for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        post_number: function (c) {
            return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        cr_el: function (o, e) {
            var t = document.createElement(o);
            if (e) {
                for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]);
            return t
        getEl: function (o, e) {
            e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document;
            switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) {
            case '#':
                return e.getElementById(o.substr(1));
            case '.':
                return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1));
            case '*':
                return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1));
            case 'body':
                return e.body;
            case 'head':
                return e.head;
            case 'forms':
                return e.forms;
                return e.getElementsByTagName(o)
    $(function () {
        $(function () {
            (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init()

    4. Can I remove my code limit what I've shown in the image. (soloved)

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    Post by smurfavr March 3rd 2017, 11:56 am

    @Ch@lo Valdez Why did not cooperate to help in your theme? quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Mouais
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
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    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 3rd 2017, 2:07 pm

    i'm sorry my code works fine in english forum, its not possible to me rewritte all in this time, if the script stop work when you select all pages, them you have to find what scripts are wrong
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    Post by smurfavr March 3rd 2017, 3:26 pm

    If you want a test account to check my test forum. I do not know how to fix this problem with your code.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 3rd 2017, 3:56 pm

    ok send me a test account
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 3rd 2017, 5:21 pm

    please replace this code:
    Code: && && $(function() { = 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 5 and 255 characters';
        if ($('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').html()) {
            var x, statements = {
                    'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 5 and 255 characters': 'ТТТТ',
                    'Uploaded file is not valid: invalid attachment name.': 'ТТТТ',
                    'Uploaded file is not valid: an error occured while uploading attachment.': 'ТТТТ',
                    'Uploaded file is not valid.': 'New Text',
                    'Could not upload file : exceeded total storage space. (Free space :': 'ТТТТ'
            for (i in statements) {
                if (i == $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text()) $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text(statements[i])
                else if ($('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text().indexOf(i) !== -1) {
                    x = $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text();
                    $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text(statements[i] + ' ' + x.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') + ')')

    for this:
    Code: && && ($(function () { = 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 5 and 255 characters';
        if ($('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').html()) {
            var x, statements = {
                    'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 5 and 255 characters': 'ТТТТ',
                    'Uploaded file is not valid: invalid attachment name.': 'ТТТТ',
                    'Uploaded file is not valid: an error occured while uploading attachment.': 'ТТТТ',
                    'Uploaded file is not valid.': 'New Text',
                    'Could not upload file : exceeded total storage space. (Free space :': 'ТТТТ'
            for (i in statements) {
                if (i == $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text()) {
                    $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text(statements[i])
                } else if ($('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text().indexOf(i) !== -1) {
                    x = $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text();
                    $('td[align="center"].row1 span.gen').text(statements[i] + ' ' + x.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') + ')')
    Active Poster

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    Post by smurfavr March 3rd 2017, 5:50 pm

    I waved the code that you said to replaced, but the problem is not fine.

    @Ch@lo Valdez

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 3rd 2017, 6:08 pm

    if you see with attention some of your codes work fine now, the like system for example.

    please change this line exactly like is display in your language board after you post

    success_reply: 'Съобщението е изпратено успешно',

    in your Administration panel in security tab allow external forms

    quote - Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 2 Captur43

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    Post by smurfavr March 3rd 2017, 7:15 pm

    Thank you Ch@lo Valdez.
    I'm with Windows XP. The problem certainly comes from it.
    Active Poster

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    Post by smurfavr March 13th 2017, 11:47 am

    What are these options?
    beroreunload: 1
    placeholder 1
    letters: 1,
    time: 3000,
    speed: 400,

    By writing a headline topic with less than 3 words show me this message. How do I remove the restriction on the number of words?
    no_subject: You must specify a subject for your message.

    Last edited by smurfavr on March 26th 2017, 9:13 pm; edited 3 times in total

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 5:17 pm