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Accessibility improvements for screen reader users

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Accessibility improvements for screen reader users Empty Accessibility improvements for screen reader users

Post by supanut2000 18/3/2017, 14:10

It would be appreciated if Forumotion makes improvements to accessibility. As I'm a visually impaired user who depended on screen reading software, I noticed that some links, especially those with only icons like a link to edit or delete FAQs/forums/categories, are not being read out properly. As the icons to edit/delete/move up/move down is like an image, I think it is possible to add something like an alt text that screen readers can access. This is crucial as a forum administrator who is also visually impaired and therefore depended on screen readers won't know which is the button to edit, delete, move up or move down a category, FAQ or forum.
Also I noticed that, on the frontend, the share buttons that appears when you visit a forum, is not accessible by screen readers. Although the share icons are clickable, I think it is likely that screen readers are treating them like images or something. So I think adding something like an alt text or text labels would make these share buttons accessible to screen readers. Once again this is important as by making these share buttons accessible, forum visitors who are visually impaired can easily share the forum on social media.
Lastly, make the link to switch to audio captcha more accessible to screen readers, as blind and visually impaired users need to rely on audio captchas as they can't use the visual captcha. I think it is possible to contact the captcha service provider and ask them to improve the accessibility of the captcha.
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Accessibility improvements for screen reader users Empty Re: Accessibility improvements for screen reader users

Post by SLGray 18/3/2017, 22:15

Most all buttons/icons do have alt text. If you hover over the icon/button, there should be a tooltip that appears with the text. Also with the navbar, you can use only text if you want.

Accessibility improvements for screen reader users Slgray10

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