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Unable to register member with a valid email

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Unable to register member with a valid email  Empty Unable to register member with a valid email

Post by azwiz April 27th 2017, 12:15 pm

Sorry, but this e-mail address is invalid.
Keeps coming up time after time . When trying to register a new member . I have already verified the email is valid .
On top of that . I am not able to log out and auto login . It shows my webcube email as my username . Cannot seem to change it

APE wrote:Is the Email address a email address like hotmail. live, yahoo, and so on or is it a email address that is made for personal address like a Email that a company Email address?

also if the Email address is made some thing like this 1234hot@live it will be seen a spam Email address and it will not let it in our systems

Thanx . They used a different email .

Now for the second part . For a while now . My forum thinks my username is my webmail address . I have deleted my webmail . Now I would like to admin my username back to what it is supposed to be . It doesn't seem to want to do that .

Last edited by azwiz on April 28th 2017, 3:14 am; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 837
Reputation : 9
Language : english
Location : Apache Junction , Arizona USA

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Unable to register member with a valid email  Empty Re: Unable to register member with a valid email

Post by Ape April 27th 2017, 1:01 pm

Is the Email address a email address like hotmail. live, yahoo, and so on or is it a email address that is made for personal address like a Email that a company Email address?

also if the Email address is made some thing like this 1234hot@live it will be seen a spam Email address and it will not let it in our systems

Unable to register member with a valid email  Left1212Unable to register member with a valid email  Center11Unable to register member with a valid email  Right112
Unable to register member with a valid email  Ape_b110
Unable to register member with a valid email  Ape1010

Male Posts : 19424
Reputation : 2010
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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