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Windows 8.1 Update: KB2976978

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Windows 8.1 Update:  KB2976978 Empty Windows 8.1 Update: KB2976978

Post by SLGray Wed Jun 28 2017, 04:39

I noticed that the KB2976978 update is back again. Could someone exactly tell me what is being updated, and what this update exactly does?

Windows 8.1 Update:  KB2976978 Slgray10

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Windows 8.1 Update:  KB2976978 Empty Re: Windows 8.1 Update: KB2976978

Post by Sir. Mayo Thu Jun 29 2017, 00:29

SLGray wrote:I noticed that the KB2976978 update is back again. Could someone exactly tell me what is being updated, and what this update exactly does?
No one knows the real reason for the KB2976978 update! However, several people report this is part of Microsofts Spy/Snooping kit software. Which is used to collect data on windows users. Several people also reported that It also adds the same program to the, Windows Task Scheduler called "DoScheduledTelemetryRun" that KB 2952664 added to windows 7 back in 2015. Hope this helps.
Sir. Mayo
Sir. Mayo

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Windows 8.1 Update:  KB2976978 Empty Re: Windows 8.1 Update: KB2976978

Post by SLGray Thu Jun 29 2017, 02:42

Thanks for the information. I believe I am going to hide it.

Windows 8.1 Update:  KB2976978 Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51690
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Windows 8.1 Update:  KB2976978 Empty Re: Windows 8.1 Update: KB2976978

Post by Sir. Mayo Thu Jun 29 2017, 22:31

Anytime, hopefully they dont allow it to force update. Like they have in the past
Sir. Mayo
Sir. Mayo

Male Posts : 978
Reputation : 90
Language : English, Some french.
Location : you can also reach me on snoonet's irc server. I idle in #Techsupport Username is Vault108

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