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code for embed a video on website

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code for embed a video on website Empty code for embed a video on website

Post by Anas 1657 September 5th 2017, 5:16 pm

I already have code for watching video online but I can add only one video on it

<iframe style="max-width:100%; width:440px; height:238px;" src="LINKVIDEO" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Can I have code for embed video on website but like this
code for embed a video on website 9d79964717c86bc

I mean to embed more than one link at the same time
for example if the video doesn't work in YouTube there is Dailymotion or Google Drive etc..
Anas 1657
Anas 1657

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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by brandon_g September 5th 2017, 6:56 pm


You can either post the links to each video themselves or simply post the videos multiple times yourself.

There is 3 ways to embed videos already:

There is the youtube icon/button, all you gotta do is copy and paste the link into the field and the video is automatically embedded into the post

You can also do the same for dailymotion (yes there is a daily motion button as well, but you have to be in the advanced editor to see it).

The third is a flash icon/button where you can put in links from videos of other sources and have the video appear that way.

You can also embed them in there using the provided embed code as well, so long as you have html enabled in both the admin panel and your profile.


code for embed a video on website Brando10
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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by Anas 1657 September 5th 2017, 7:12 pm

brandon_g wrote:Hello,

You can either post the links to each video themselves or simply post the videos multiple times yourself.

There is 3 ways to embed videos already:

There is the youtube icon/button, all you gotta do is copy and paste the link into the field and the video is automatically embedded into the post

You can also do the same for dailymotion (yes there is a daily motion button as well, but you have to be in the advanced editor to see it).

The third is a flash icon/button where you can put in links from videos of other sources and have the video appear that way.

You can also embed them in there using the provided embed code as well, so long as you have html enabled in both the admin panel and your profile.


Thank you, my friend, but what I meant is something totally different, If I'll do like what you said that's mean it will be 3 or 4 videos in the topic, But what I want is like this picture

code for embed a video on website 9d79964717c86bc

Only one video with buttons in the top and I choose what server I want
And I used all that you mentioned already but no use It doesn't work like what I want at all
Anas 1657
Anas 1657

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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by SLGray September 5th 2017, 8:28 pm

Could you post where you got that screenshot from?

code for embed a video on website Slgray10

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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by TheCrow September 5th 2017, 8:49 pm

In order for you to provide videos from other hosts, you need to have their permission to reproduce their iframe video firstly. After you get their permission, you need to inform your users that you're in a partnership with the company/site where the host comes from and then you can add special html pages that use either ajax or using multiple html pages to load the multiple hosts.

code for embed a video on website Thecro10
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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by Anas 1657 September 5th 2017, 9:10 pm

SLGray wrote:Could you post where you got that screenshot from?

Actually I didn't remember where I got this screenshot it's been a while since I took that but there is a lot of websites like that my friend especially for watching online
Anas 1657
Anas 1657

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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by Anas 1657 September 5th 2017, 9:20 pm

Luffy wrote:In order for you to provide videos from other hosts, you need to have their permission to reproduce their iframe video firstly. After you get their permission, you need to inform your users that you're in a partnership with the company/site where the host comes from and then you can add special html pages that use either ajax or using multiple html pages to load the multiple hosts.

Thanks for the explanation,
I already have permission and I informed my users too
Anas 1657
Anas 1657

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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by SLGray September 5th 2017, 9:25 pm

In the future, please use the mulit-quote button to reply to more than one post.

code for embed a video on website Slgray10

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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by Anas 1657 September 8th 2017, 11:36 pm

I really hope if there's someone will help me
Anas 1657
Anas 1657

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code for embed a video on website Empty Re: code for embed a video on website

Post by SLGray September 8th 2017, 11:47 pm

I located it.  It is a plugin that is not free.

code for embed a video on website Slgray10

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