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Solved Button but with different text?

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Solved Button but with different text? Empty Solved Button but with different text?

Post by celain October 10th 2017, 6:52 pm

Creation Type : Button
Dimensions : 31x27
Primary Colors : N/A
Secondary Colors : #FFD700
Images to include :
Text to insert : No Tested with Red small button & Tested with green small button
Font : N/A
Font Color : #FFD700
Link to my Forumotion forum :
Username on the forum : celain
Link to last graphic request : N/A
Detail description : Hi Guys,

can you help me for making this kind of button

but i want the text be TESTED , and NO TESTED

the green button in the example button, as tested

and please use green small buton as no tested.

your help will be greatly appreciated! Very Happy
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Posts : 4
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Solved Button but with different text? Empty Re: Solved Button but with different text?

Post by skouliki October 10th 2017, 7:31 pm


rules wrote:

  • These services are offered for Forumotion forums only and only the forum founder is allowed to request them.

Solved Button but with different text? Screen10 Solved Button but with different text? Screen11

Sorry, Unfortunately, your request is denied.
Feel free to open a new topic with all the required information.
Please read our section rules:  Graphic Request & Proposal Rules

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