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How to post videos I find on facebook to my forum

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In progress How to post videos I find on facebook to my forum

Post by azwiz December 24th 2017, 8:17 am

Every once in a while I go to my facebook page . There I might find a video or a gif or something someone has posted there . I have not been able to post them via any normal . I think there are 4 ways to post videos . What's the trick ?
Thank you .

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In progress Re: How to post videos I find on facebook to my forum

Post by brandon_g December 24th 2017, 1:41 pm


For the video if there is an embed code you can simply copy and paste it in the text box on your forum and hit send. Keep in mind 2 things though: 1. HTML has to be enables on the forum for this to work, it also has to be enabled in each user's profile for them to see it. The other thing to keep in mind is that with facebook alot of people have their posts set to friends only, meaning only people who friends with that person can see the post or pictures or videos in it. So if you see a video or picture and it is set to friends only, you probably won't be able to share it on your forum cause no one else who isn't on their friends list won't be allowed to see it.

As for the gifs, you can simply save it to your computer and upload it as a normal image using servimg. Wink


How to post videos I find on facebook to my forum  Brando10
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In progress Re: How to post videos I find on facebook to my forum

Post by Guest December 24th 2017, 4:49 pm

Hi @azwiz

If you know Spanish in Spanish support forum we have a quick tutorial that may guide you through the process:

Don't worry, the post is not very large. With a translator, you won't have any doubt, still, I can translate for you something in case you don't understand.


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