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How to make a button for clicking to gain experience and money?

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How to make a button for clicking to gain experience and money? Empty How to make a button for clicking to gain experience and money?

Post by Dr.Kran April 4th 2018, 3:16 am

I want a source clicking feature which stacks a number per the amount of clicks of a particular user.
It involves making a java/flash source that's affected per the amount of clicks to a url action source.

I suggest adding this feature to the game console section as well so future users can make auto clicking based servers also.

Here's the format I have that may help a bit.

Example #1
[Content Gain 'unspecified/specified item/etc' from > = link], [link to trigger = gain content at the source because of the use of this link]

Example #2
Also I want to define different values such as gold, silver and bronze, 1 gold is worth 10 silver, 1 silver is 10 bronze, this will help me define 1b also and numbers above that.
[Gain 1 gold if [specified or click 10 silver link]] This is so complex that I can't explain it perfectly but if you can just answer the first basic example.

I only want to trigger something if someone clicked my link.
I hereby declare this as tripwire coding.

Last edited by Dr.Kran on April 4th 2018, 3:31 am; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 70
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How to make a button for clicking to gain experience and money? Empty Re: How to make a button for clicking to gain experience and money?

Post by Dr.Kran April 4th 2018, 3:30 am

I don't want this post to die so check this out.

Male Posts : 70
Reputation : 1
Language : English
Location : Classified

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